911 what's your emergency?

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Sorry my books have been so short but I promise I'll make the whole book long and just maybe I'll have a sequel.

All this is happening on a Sunday night:

As we ran out there was this Cadillac with a tag # and it said H8LVBRDS

"Hate love birds?" I said to tyler.

I really didn't get what it's supposed to mean but I ran to the door and called 9-1-1!

"911 what's your emergency?" Said this nice lady on the phone.

"Yes, um my friend, her name is Becka, just got kidnapped by this man in a Cadillac." I said scared.

"What's the tag number?" Said the lady.

"It is H-8-L-V-B-R-D-S." I said pacing back and forth.

"Got it! We're on our way come to 5465 Pine RD and follow us." She said hanging up.

"Ok." I said to myself.

"In the car! Go to 5465 Pine RD!" I yelled to them.

We all jumped into the car and Tyler drove.

He went really fast. We finally got to 5465 Pine RD. When we did we got behind the cops and followed them.


"Put your hands on the back of your head and drop the weapon!" Said a policeman.

"I'll kill her!" Said the man that had Becka with a gun pointed to her head. I was crying hard and Brent was just tearing up.

"Brent go around the car, around the other side of the man so he won't see you, and around the house behind the man. When you get close enough to hit him, knock him out. I'll tell them the plan." Said Tyler walking away from Brent and to the police officer's.

Becka looked at me and I just nodded so she knew everything is going to be ok.

I grabbed Tyler's hand and hoped for the best.

"Sir! Put the gun down! Now!" Said the policeman again.

"You can't make me!" Yelled the man with Becka still in his hands.

Brent started coming up behind the man. He got close enough to put the gun in the air with the man still holding it. But not the best thing happened.

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