18 : 2As2Gs2Ls

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(A/N: For those who's confused, it's two A, Two G, and Two L. I just shortened it, 2As2Gs2Ls pronunciation... tu/eys/tu/jis/tu/els)



(April 21, 2020. Monday, 10am)

"You've passed the audition.", I heard Chengcheng said.

Audition day here in Cheng Entertainment. As usual, I wore my mask here and I'm sitting beside Chengcheng. Since, I'm the most famous artist here in his company, so, he asked me to join him.

I look at him, I felt sad when I saw his expression. His expression looks cold, this isn't his usual expression when there's an audition... usually, he's smiling even when he's saying some harsh comments towards the auditionees.

Haist, I remember our conversation yesterday.



(April 20, 2020. Monday, around 3:00-4:00am)

"Tell me everything, Xueer... I want to understand.", he said. I felt nervous.

I saw that he looks down and wipe his tears on his cheeks.


"Where do you want me to begin?", I asked calmly.

He looks at me.

"From the day when Xiaowei kidnaps you... wait—did she really kidnapped you? Hah!", he asked.

I sighed and went towards him to sit beside him.

After sitting, I held his left hand. I didn't look at him, I just stared in front of me.

"She kidnaps me, she's already not on her right mind... she got played by the people who commanded her. She uses that opportunity to take a revenge because she really likes Yuxin and I bullied her because of that.", I said.

I can feel that Chengcheng is looking at me.

"who commanded her?", he asked out of curiosity.

"You don't need to know that.", I said.

I feel that he pinched my hand, so, I look at him.

"Tell me everything, Xueer. Please...", he begged.

I smiled, slightly.

"Promise me that you won't get mad.", I said.

He nodded and raised his right hand, sign that he promised.

"It was your parents.", I said, and I feel his hand loosen up from my hand's grip. I can clearly see through his eyes that he's shock.

"Why do they need to do that?", he confusedly asked.

"Your parents' said, I need to marry you and Xiaowei loves the idea because she thinks that if I marry you, Yuxin will be hers. They said I need to marry you for the sake of your life, my life, Yuxin's life, and our friends' life.", I explained.

He gives out a heavy sigh.

"I don't understand, why there are so many people involved? I only know that it's your life, my life, and Yuxin's life are involved here?", he asked, perplexedly.

"That's what I know, too. So, I didn't believe it at first, but... they showed me something. Three different types of events that can happen in the future, possibly.", I said.

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