2. 1st Birthday

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By now Emilia was running around the house causing a riot. She was constantly wanting to play with you or Harry and was always on the go waddling around the house. She was currently still sleeping, you were lying in bed and Harry was fixing up downstairs for Emilia's party today. She was one today and you couldn't be more happy with the little bundle of happiness.

You heard Harry's footsteps come upstairs so you sat up in bed. He walked in and handed you a steaming cup of tea.

"Thanks babe. Can I see downstairs now?" You questioned and he shook his head. I want you to see it with Emilia together. I think you're both going to love it. You nodded and grabbed the present you wanted to wake Emilia up with from your bedside table. "Let's go wake her up." 

Emilia was all smiles and giggles while unwrapping her stuffed polar bear that you and Harry had bought her. She had taken a strong liking in pandas and polar bears.

You lifted her onto your hip and asked her questions to which she just strung together some words but thankfully you could understand her.

"You ready to see what daddy has done downstairs?" You asked and she nodded excitedly.

When you got downstairs, it was completely pinked out and Emilia loved it.

"Ink! Ink!" She squealed in your arms. What she meant was pink, you laughed and carried her into the kitchen. You made chocolate chip pancakes and gave Emilia some too.

"Thanks for breakfast baby," Harry smiled taking another pancake and dousing it in maple syrup.

"You're welcome. Thanks for organizing the party decorations." He nodded and ate his pancake.


3 hours later you, Harry and Emilia were having a grand time with all of your friends and the bunch of toddlers running around.

"Mummy? Daddy? Bruda?" Emilia asked. You asked her what she meant. "I. Want. Bruda," you looked to Harry and he was smiling. God his baby fever was on a high right now.

"Maybe we should think about it. You did say wait till she was one. She's one baby," he said kissing you lightly.

"What about the band? Touring? It's just not the right time Harry, I'm sorry," you excused yourself from the party and went upstairs.

"Baby. Please don't shut me out. We're going to bring Emilia's throne in and get her to blow her candles out. Please don't miss it," Harry said as he came to fetch you 10 minutes later.

"I'm sorry. It's just not the right timing. I want another kid but maybe not for another year or so, to give you time to tour or whatever you guys wanna do," Harry nodded and then Emilia came running into the room.

"Mama, dada. Downstehs," you chuckled at her pronunciation of downstairs and lifter her up taking her downstairs.

"Happy Birthday Princess." You kissed her gently and then put her down to run free.

"I love you Y/N. Never forget that."

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now