22. Terrible Two's (At Home)

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Ok so this part fits in between part 16 and 17 so Harry is still on tour.

You were standing at the kitchen island watching Emilia eat her cheese quesadilla. She was fighting to keep her eyes open and the Mexican food kept falling out of her hand. The past few days she had been refusing to go for a nap, which was terrible, because she was even more crankier when it came to putting her to bed. And she hadn't been having as much sleep as usual, so she was extremely tired.

"Emilia, my love, are you tired," she shook her head lethargically. It took up most of her energy to make that move.

"Come on honey," you reached out to her and she shook her head. You took away her quesadilla and put the remainders into the bin, putting the plate in the sink.

You turned around picking Emilia out of her Tripp Trapp and carrying upstairs setting her at the top. "Come on love, on to your room," you said and she started to scream.

"NO SLEEP! NO MAMA! NO SLEEP TODAY!" You kept your calm and tried to budge the small girl closer to her bedroom. She tried to make multiple runs for it but you caught her each time.

"NO MAMA NO!" You ignored her screaming and stool your ground.

"Emilia could you please move into your bedroom, my love?" You asked leaning down to her level. She made a fist with her hands and started to beat against your chest, before screaming "no" into your face.

"Emilia-Anne. We do not hit people. Ok? I love you and I will be in my bedroom, when you would like a hug, and you decided your sleepy," you said calmly, making her scream even louder.

You had heard multiple similar stories from pregnancy blogs that you followed while pregnant with Emilia, and you knew it would be hard, but you just had to stand your ground.

You opened your MacBook to FaceTime Harry.

"Hey babe, how is everyth- is that Emilia screaming?" He asked worryingly. You nodded.

"Terrible two's babe. She was punching me and screaming at me, and most experts tell you to leave them alone and they'll come around," he nodded.

"God I miss you both so much. Another month and I'll be home," you nodded at him.

"I could really be doing with you here right now," you rubbed your temples and he nodded.

"I wish I could be there baby," you nodded, knowing he'd rather be here spending time with you and Emilia then be on tour, but you also knew how happy being on tour made him.

After around 5 minutes the screams coming from Emilia turned into cried which turned into tired whimpered.

"Mama?" Emilia whimpered as you looked up, from Harry's face on the screen, at the door to see 2 year old Emilia walking in. Her face red and blotchy with the tantrum she had just thrown.

"I sleepy now," you nodded.

"Would you like to sleep in Mama's bed or your own?" You asked and Harry smiled lightly through the screen.

"Mama's please," you nodded and put the laptop onto the bed, and went to pick up the small girl. Her head immediately dropped to your shoulder and her eyes started to close.

You walked over and repositioned the MacBook so Harry could see her.

"Hi my Princess. Have a good nap ok?" She nodded sleepily.

"Love you daddy," you smiled and Harry's face split into a grin.

"I love you too baby, go sleep," she nodded and you placed her onto the bed, pulling the cover over her.

"Have a good nap darling, I love you," you kissed her cheek and she nodded.

"Fanks Mama, I's sorry for hitting you. I love you," you closed the blinds and grabbed the laptop from the bed. Emilia's eyes were already close and you made your way to the living room.

"I'll be there to help you with it soon," you nodded.

"I'm exhausted," you whispered and he smiled sympathetically.

"Go cuddle our daughter and have a nap yourself ok? I love you baby."

"I love you too, Harry."

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now