20. Labour

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Ok so before I get to the labor can I stress the fact that not EVERYONE'S labor is painful and full of tears, and i've never seen a "fun" labor in any of these types of books or any fics before so I done that. My sisters's labor with my niece was full of fun and she had NO pain relief. She was laughing most of the time until she pushed. This was the only part she found that hurt, so it can happen :)

Today was a girls day with Emilia, but Eleanor and Sophia while the boys were running some errands, so you decided to go to Oxford Street for some shopping. Perrie was planning on joining but due to commitments with Little Mix had to cancel. You were 8 and a half months along so walking long distances were proving harder and harder each day, but a trip to Oxford Street never harmed anyone...

Emilia was beyone excited after you told her that you'd buy her two things of her choice. She already had a room full of toys, and honestly, didn't need anymore, but she was sulking until you said you'd buy her something, but Harry had another idea...

Tell her that she was to get everything she wanted. Good one Styles... Thankfully she didn't really bother about a lot of things seeing as she had most of them or it was similiar to ones she had.

"Mama! I want this!" she squealed looking at the polar bear pillow. She was still loving polar bears and you took the pillow off of her. Eleanor and Sophia were next door in Starbucks getting us some drinks while you took Emilia into the store she was insisting on.

"Ok, let's go get Auntie El and Auntie Soph," Emilia nodded happily holding the pillow happily in her arms. You both walked into Stabucks and spotted the two girls at a booth walking over instantly. Once you place Emilia into the booth you slid in.

You were sipping on your Passion Tea Lemonade when you felt a tightness take over your stomach. It had been happening all morning so you just rubbed it firmly, and tried to get away with it, but El noticed.

"Hey, are you ok babe?" you nodded, smiling. The tightness had left.

"Just a few Braxton Hicks is all," you smiled reasuringly and she nodded, but she wasn't quite convinced. After Emilia had finished her steamed milk with a pump of vanilla, it was time to leave. You picked up your still-half-full cup, took Emilia's hand, helping her out of the booth and walked out of the coffee shop.

"Let's go in here," you nodded at Sophia as she pointed to the baby store. There was no doubt, by this point, the Braxton Hicks were getting stronger. But you were still convinced they were only Braxton Hicks. Nothing more.

After the baby store you went to a couple of more stores and then you had to face the truth. They weren't Braxton Hicks. You were in labor.

"El, Soph?" You shouted from where they were walking in front of you. They spun around and seen you clutching your stomach. "I'm in labor," They started to panic and you laughed before another contraction hit.

"Ok, you call Harry while we walk to my car and we'll meet him at the hospital," Sophia spoke hurryingly while picking Emilia onto her hip and helping you walk to her car.

"What's happening?" Emilia asked curiously and you smiled up at her.

"Your baby brothers coming," you smiled excitedly. She returned the gesture and clapped her hands.

"Ok Harry will meet us there," Eleanor spoke and you nodded.

Surprisingly you weren't scared or nervous. You were excited. And the pain was bad, but it wasn't unbearable yet. And you had positive thoughts, with Emilia you were a first time mother, so you were terrified. But now with Mason, you were calm and collected. you had been reading up and apparently positive thoughts give you an easier, less painful labour.

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now