3. Harry Tweets

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@Harry_Styles: My beautiful wife, our daughter and I are having a grand day in bed watching Peppa Pig. This is my idea of a perfect day .xx

@flawlesstyles: picture or it didn't happen :)

@Harry_Styles: @flawlesstyles it's happening I promise! Emilia didn't want her picture taken .xx

Attached there was a picture of you and Harry he had just snapped. Usually he was so private and didn't want anyone to know anything that went on between you all but since you got married, he's been an open man and you loved it.

@tragiches: you're both so cute! try snap a quick one of Emilia, we haven't seen her in a while. Xx

@Harry_Styles: @tragiches thank you. she's not talking to me anymore because she already told me 'no pichoos' so she's cuddling with mummy and ignoring me now .xx

He attached two pictures. One of Emilia looking angry at Harry and one of her and you cuddling in bed.

@MrsAnneTwist: @Harry_Styles my poor granddaughter. NO PICHOOS HARRY !! Xxx

@Harry_Styles: @MrsAnneTwist sorry mum. She's just so cute I can't stop xx

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now