7. Favorite Toy

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You and Harry were cuddling on the couch waiting for your Chinese food to come while Emilia was passed out in her room for the night. After Harry had put her into her crib, she fell asleep straight away.

The door was knocked and you went to get up to answer it but Harry stopped you and got up. You started to hear small whimpers from the baby monitor and at that moment Harry walked in with the bag of food.

"I got her. You can u bag the food," you nodded and took the bag from him as he jogged upstairs to get to your daughter.

"Hi my lovely. What's wrong huh?" You heard Harry speak through the baby monitor.

"Bunny! Bunny!" Emilia chanted and you realized that she had been playing with her bunny earlier while you and her were having some bonding time in your room lying on the bed.

You took the food out of the bag and settled it on the table and then jogged upstairs to find Emilia in Harry's arms, still whimpering softly as they were looking in her room for her bunny. You crept by softly and walked into yours and Harry's room.

You spotted the cream bunny on the bed and picked it up, inhaling Emilia's scent from it, smiling softly. You walked into Emilia's room holding the Bunny in your hand.

"Babe have you seen her-" Harry gasped surprisingly. "Emilia, look what mummy found for you!" Emilia's eyes shot to your hand and her face lit up.

"Bunny! Fanks mama," she took the bunny out of your hand and then threw her small body at you.

"Mummy loves you. Goodnight Meels," you kissed her forehead a couple of times before she cuddled back to Harry yawning.

"G'night mama. Loves you," you smiled at the 19 month old baby in Harry arms.

Harry placed her in her crib and she struggled to keep her eyes open now she had bunny with her.

"Goodnight baby. Mummy and Daddy love you so so much," Harry spoke quietly to your now sleeping daughter. "Let's go eat some food," Harry smiled at you and you nodded.

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now