8. Big Girl Bed

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"Wow Emilia! Look at your new bed!" You said excitedly to the small girl sitting on your hips as Harry put the white bed together. She was now 20 months and you and Harry had decided it was time to make the switch from a crib to big girl bed.

"It's a big girl bed!" You said and her mouth opened happily and she laughed.

"I a big girl mama," you nodded at her.

"Yes you are a big girl Meels, are you excited to have a big girl bed?" she smiled again and nodded, but you knew it was going to take some getting used to.


"Goodnight Emilia, my darling. I love you," Harry whispered to the ever growing, and also sleeping, girl in your arms. You carried Emilia up to her room and placed her into her big girl bed. You and Harry decided thad placing your pregnancy pillow along the side of the bed that wasn't against the wall would be a good idea so she wouldn't fall out her first night in there.

You pulled back the covers placing her into the bed and she stirred slightly pulling the covers closer to her small body.

"Goodnight Meels. I love you," you kissed her forehead gently before leaving the room quietly, but not before turning on her little night light. You went back downstairs to find Harry lying on the sofa with a beer in one hand and a glass of wine in the other.

You put your body in between his legs and leant your back against his chest.

"I love you," he murmured against my hair and I smiled.

"I love you too. What are we watching?" Harry pressed play on the DVD remote and Forrest Gump started.


"DADDY!" Emilia cried for the 2nd time tonight from her room and you jolted awake. "DADDY?" She shouted again and you shook Harry's shoulder.

"Emilia's shouting you," you croaked and he nodded rolling out of bed and going into her room.

He was gone for about 10 minutes when he finally returned, curling around your body.

"She's scared she's going to fall out of the bed. She says there's a monster under it too," you nodded into his chest.

"It's bound to take her a few days to get used to it," you whispered.


You woke up at 10:23am and Harry was still sleeping soundly beside you. You got out of bed quietly to check on Emilia.

When you walked in she was sleeping soundly with her arm and leg over the pregnancy pillow and her face scrunched up against the fabric. You smiled at your daughter and pushed her hair out of her face softly and kissed her.

"Mama?" She asked croaking and I smiled at the beautiful girl.

"Hello baby girl. How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Monsters under Melia's bed scared her but daddy made them leave then I swept good," she murmured giving you a hug. You smiled and lifted her up.

"That's good Meels. You're becoming such a big girl!" I squealed and she laughed loudly.

"Melia a big girl!" She shouted causing you to laugh.

"Yes baby. Meel's is a big girl."

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now