11. Plans For Tour

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Harry had been exceptionally quiet with you and Emilia since the day after the boys and him took Emilia to the park. Constantly just wanting to cuddle not one for talking lately. Just spending time with you and Emilia was enough. And you loved it, you did, you just knew there was something wrong.

He was upstairs putting Emilia into bed for the night and you planned to ask him what was bothering him when he returned. But he bet you to it.

When he came downstairs, he sat down on the sofa beside you, and turnt to you, his face solemn and serious.

"I need to talk to you," he whispered. You mind immediately came up with different scenarios. Did he want a divorce, did he not love you anymore, he didn't want any more kids, he was sick. Your face dropped and he noticed, immediately looking down ashamed. No, no, now. Please, don't say he's cheated.

"Management called the night the boys and I took Emilia to the park. They've organized a tour for us. We leave for The States in 6 weeks. Then it's to Asia. We then go round the UK and Ireland. Tickets go on sale next week, the announcement comes out tomorrow. I want you and Emilia to come with us. It's for 5 months," he said quickly and you let out a sigh of relief.

"Harry. You know I'm happy for you, you've missed touring and I know deep down that you're excited. But do you really think the road is the place to raise a 2 and a yalf year old?" You asked and his face fell. He had made many sacrifices over the years and maybe it was time for you to make some.

"How about we come for the US portion? But I'll fly out a week after you so you have time to sort everything out?" He nodded and pulled you into a hug.

"Thank-you so so much. The first week is all promo anyway so we'll fly you out the day before our first show. We'll only be in Asia for a month anyway, but we're in the states for 2. Will you be joining us on the UK part?" You shook your head.

"It's Emilia's first time away from home. Yeah, she'll have us there but it'll be strange for her. She won't be living in the house, she'll be in a tour bus and stadiums most of the time, so we'll be there for the US part, and we could probably come visit in the UK part just give me a list of dates and I'll figure something out."

He nodded before whispering into your neck "let's go to bed," and you nodded. Once you both climbed into bed he curled his body around you and leant over you to kiss your cheek.

"You make me happy," You smiled at these words.

"You make me happy too," and you meant those 5 words more than you had ever meant anything.

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now