15. Disneyland

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The boys had completed and smashed two shows in California and in 3 days the boys, Emilia, Gemma, Anne, Eleanor, Sophia and you were all travelling up to Seattle, but you and Harry had a surprise for Emilia today. You were taking her to Disneyland. She was in the phase that princesses were everything and she wanted to be a princess and you and Harry loved seeing her watching all of the disney DVD's you had both bought her for her second Christmas with wonder in her eyes, almost mesmerized by the prince and princesses on the TV.

"Emilia, come get some sunscreen on," you shouted through the villa bedroom before hearing little feet hitting off of the wood floors. She was currently in the bathroom watching Harry shave his jaw stubble while you were putting on your clothes for the day along with a pair of strapped sandals. She came running in naked and you smiled at the bare bummed girl who had currently been potty trained.

"Emilia-Anne, where are your clothes?" You joked and she sent you a cheeky smile.

"Daddy said he always ran around naked and I wanted to try it," Harry made an entrance at that moment and chuckled at his daughter.

"I was telling her the truth," he shrugged before walking to his case that he had been living out of and pulling out a black 3/4-sleeved shirt, denim shorts and a pair of white socks. You sprayed the sunscreen onto her body before rubbing it in.

"Can we get you dressed now?" Emilia nodded and I grabbed her pants from the bed moving them close to the floor so she could step into them and then done the same with her little turquoise shorts. "Do you want to wear the pink or white shirt?" You asked and she looked at both of them, then at Harry, and then back to you.

"White. Then Meels, Daddy, and Mama can be the same," you nodded as you helped her get into her white shirt. Then fixed her small sandals onto her feet.


Emilia was taking no notice of where you all where. Lou and Tom had decided to bring Lux in the same car and the boys, Eleanor and Sophia were coming too, they were in a car behind the four of you.

Once Harry had paid for parking, and admission into the park Harry found an empty parking spot and you all got out of the car. It was only 9:30am but the sun was already high in the sky.

"Mama! Daddy! Look at that!" Emilia said pointing at the large roller coaster that was clumbing the hill.

"Wow baby, that looks fun doesn't it?" You asked and she shook her head along with Harry.

"Too high," you chuckled as Harry agreed with Emilia's words and Lou came up behind you placing an arm around your shoulders.

"I'll go on that with you babe, the men can sit off with the kids," you nodded and laughed. You all walked over to the tram stops and met with all of the boys and once the tram arrived, you all got on and it took you to the park gates.

"It's Cindawella's castle!" Emilia gasped and you lifted her up.

"Yeah baby, we'll get there in a second. Let's go into this store first ok?" Everyone was already in the store except you and Harry who were still standing with Emilia.

When you walked in, you immediately spotted what you wanted. The minnie mouse ears. You bought 6 pairs. A pair for you, Emilia, Lou, Lux, Eleanor and Sophia. Once you bought them you walked out of the store with Emilia's hand in yours to wait for the others.


"Let's get pictures in front of the castle!" Eleanor said excitedly puling Lou, Sophia and you to stand in a line with your Minnie Mouse ears. Harry, Louis, Tom and Liam all snapped pictures smiling.

"Harry, Emilia and Y/N now," Eleanor spoke and you stayed where you were standing. Harry joined you and shouted Emilia over. She ran to you and you lifted her up, Harry and you turned towards each other a little and smiled at the cameras our friends were holding up.

After going on a few kids rides and spending time meeting some characters with Emilia you all decided to stop and get some food.


"Cindawella!" Emilia screamed as she seen the pretty blonde woman standing in a blue ball gown. She ran up the woman and crashed into her legs. You snapped a couple of pictures and Cinderella crouched down to meet her.

They spoke for a couple of minutes until Emilia bounded back to where you were waiting with everyone.


"Did you have fun my darling?" Harry asked Emilia as he drove through the streets of LA to get back to the villa.

"I did daddy. My favourite time was meeting Cindawella and going on Snow White. It was so fun daddy," you both smiled at Emilia in the back seat. "I's tired now though. I love my ears too Mama, thank you," you spun your body and looked around the seat at Emilia.

"You're very welcome baby girl. Daddy and I are just glad you had fun."

"So much fun Mama."

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now