16. Fight

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You were placing all of the dishes from dinner into the dishwasher when Harry came into the kitchen closing the door quietly.

"What was that all about out there?" He whispered angrily. You spun around to look at him.

"What are you talking about?" You asked and he ran a hand over his face.

"It was embarrassing Y/N. You just got up and walked off, stomping like a little girl," you scoffed.

"I'm surprised you noticed," his face contorted into one of confusion. "Emilia and I have been here for a month so far, and how much time have you spent with us?" You said and he shook his head.

"Don't bring that into this. Don't bring my job into it," he said and that set you off.

"That's the thing Harry. The time your not working is spent on your phone. When Emilia asks you to play its 'hold on a second'. When I ask you to do something it's 'can't you do it'. Emilia wanted to come here because she missed her dad. She told me she didn't like me and she wanted you and since we've been here, the only time you've spent with her was at Disneyland or the couple of days I've went out with El and Soph. I'm fucking sick of it. Our daughter worships you! She'd do anything to spend time with you. You know the other night she asked why you didn't love her anymore. Do you realize how heartbreaking that was for me. To tell her that her daddy's just been busy!" A few tears fell down your face and you wiped them away angrily. "Are you cheating on me?" You whispered and he shook his head.

"I can't believe you right now! You fucking put all of this on me and then accuse me of cheating. What the hell is your problem? We're married Y/N! Incase you forgot and I'd never cheat on you. I'm going to bed, you can have the room," he shouted before opening the kitchen door.

I looked into the hallway when he froze and Emilia was standing with tears running down her face.

"Hey Emilia. What's wrong baby?" He asked and put his arms out for a cuddle. She shook her head and cowered away from him.

"Mama?" She whispered and you felt bad for Harry. But at the same time he had been neglecting his family, and Emilia though he didn't love her anymore.

"Hey sweetie-pie, what's wrong?" You asked as Harry moved out the way and she ran to hug your leg. Harry watched the bond between you play out before his eyes and then left the room.

"You and daddy shouting. I's scared," she whispered into your neck and you pulled her closer to your body. You knew if Emilia had heard it upstairs, everyone else had heard it in the living room.

"Come on, we'll cuddle in the living room with everyone else. It'll all be ok. I promise," you spoke to your daughter and walked into the living room. All of the boys, El and Sophia were sitting in there and they all looked at you sympathetically. You shook your head telling them you didn't want to talk about it, before sitting on the sofa where you and Harry had been before, and sitting Emilia onto your lap, covering you both with a blanket.

"Hey, Y/N. Are you ok?" Sophia whispered as you were tucking Emilia into her bed. You were currently in New York and you all had a suite at The Waldorf Astoria. You knew Harry would have been in Zayn's room with him because they always shared a room before they deemed it suitable to book bigger suites so they all had their own rooms.

You tucked the small girl into her bed before sitting on your own. Sophia sat down beside you.

"You heard everything?" She nodded.

"I'll be ok. I just don't know what's happened to us. We used to be so close and Emilia was the centre of everything he done and then he just turned to not really paying attention to either of us. I don't know what to think," You said and Sophia nodded.

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now