19. Jealousy

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Ok so since this book is the 'toddler' book it's about Emilia so the pregnancy won't play a big part in it. The birth will be a part and then a couple of parts after that with the baby and then I'll be starting a Children Series which will feature Emilia AND the baby :)

Your son had been kicking your ribs all night causing you to only get a couple hours of sleep. And when you have a 3 year old daughter. It isn't fun.

You found out the baby you were carrying was a boy, and Emilia, Harry and yourself, were over the moon. Harry was happy that Emilia would be his only little girl for the time being. He had told you that he would like 3 kids. And you had agreed. Which means that after the little chap in your belly right now, you'd need to bust out one more. But you knew after that one Harry would want another, and another and so on.

You say up again rubbing your protruding belly to try and stop the kicking. You were 7 and a half months pregnant and your back hurt, you're feet were swollen, and at this point you just felt like a whale. You were emotional and you couldn't help it.

So it was no surprise to Harry when he woke up to you crying softly in bed beside him.

"Hey baby. What's wrong?" You shook your head and turned to look at him. "Baby, I can't help you if you don't tell me," he begged.

"He's kicking my ribs, it's so painful. I haven't slept at all and I need to take care of Emilia, go shopping, and tidy the house today. My back hurts, my feet hurt, my ankles are swollen, I look like a bloody beached whale," you said and cried some more.

"Face the wall," Harry said gently and you done as he had asked so that your back was towards him. He repositioned himself and started to rub your back.

"Oh my god. Oh that's good," you moaned and he chuckled.

"I'll take the day off work. I need you to sleep some more. You need to sleep for Mason," he whispered. Your eyes welled up with tears.

"She chose Mason for the baby?" You whispered and he nodded. You moved as fast as you could and pulled him into you for a kiss. "I love you," he smiled and kissed you again. You had let Emilia choose between Mason and Noah for the baby in your stomach.

"I love you too, and you Mason," he whispered and that's when you noticed 3 year 8 month old Emilia standing at the door.

"Hi baby girl," you smiled but she didn't smile back. "Honey what's wrong?" you asked and her lip started to shake before she ran out of the room.

You moved to get out of bed when Harry stopped you. "I'll get her," you shook your head.

"This is something we both should do," he nodded and helped you walk into her room where you could see the shaking figure under the covers of her bed.

"Emilia? Can Mama and I talk to you?" Harry asked and she sat up cowering into the corner of her bed. Each of you sat either side of Emilia and you started to talk.

"Come on sweetie-pie. Tell us what's wrong?" she shook her head. "Please baby. We can't help you if you don't tell us," she opened her mouth and then closed it again, thinking about it. But then it all just blurted out.

"Mama and Daddy don't love Emilia anymore now that Mason is coming. I don't like him," your eyes started to water and Harry stepped in.

"Meels baby, you know that's not true. You'll always be Mama and I's little princess. I promise. Mama and I love you even more than we did when you were born. We love you even more than yesterday," he said and she looked at him fascinated.

"Did we never tell you what happens when you have a baby?" You asked her and she shook her head. "Well when Mama finds out she's having a baby, a little fairy comes and gives her and Daddy extra love for the new baby. All the love that we had for you before Mason is still there darling. It's just that Mama and Daddy need to care for the baby whereas you're a big girl. You can dress yourself, go to the bathroom yourself, eat yourself, you're so grown up, but the little baby in Mama's tummy can't do any of that. Like when you were born, Mama had to feed you, help you burp, Daddy used to change your diapers and we used to need to dress you, but look at you now," you smiled at the small girl who now had wonder in her eyes.

"Do you see the fairy? And I am a very big girl. I can put my own shoes on!" She said proudly and Harry nodded.

"Mama or Daddy don't see the fairy but we feel it. Right here," he placed his hand over his heart.

"I feel that too. I think it's for Baby Mason," she whispered and Harry gasped at her in surprise.

"Did the fairy visit you too so you could love Daddy, Mama and Mason?" She nodded excitedly. "How about we give Mason a kiss then? He's been kicking Mama all night," Emilia leaned over and kissed your big bump.

"Stop hurting Mama please, Mason. I loves you. I'm your big sister, and I'm going to be the best big sister ever," you gasped overcome with emotion and the feeling of Mason kicking exactly where Emilia had kissed.

"He loves you Emilia. Feel this," you took her had and pressed it over where she kissed. His small foot kicking excitedly.

"He kicking mummy because he heard me?" She wondered and you nodded.

"Mason loves his Big Sister lots and lots already," she smiled.

"I love Mason lots and lots too."

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now