21. Emilia Meet Mason

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The nurse brought Mason back over to you wrapped in a little blue blanket along with his very first all in one that Harry had chosen.

You unwrapped the small bundle of joy, out a newborn diaper on him that Harry handed you and Harry fixed him into his all in one and wrapped him in the blue blanket.

"Oh my handsome little man. You're going to break some hearts aren't you? Aren't you my man," Harry's baby talk was back and you absolutely adored it. You would keep having babies if it meant he would talk like that more often.

"Oh should we give mummy hugs and I'll go bring your big sister through?" He said in the same voice.

Harry handed you the tiny boy and you placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Daddy's so taken with you already Mase. He's going to be the best daddy ever, like he is with Emilia. You'll love her too. She's going to be such a thoughtful big sister. And I'll try my best with you too. I hope I'm the best Mama you could ever ask for," you whispered before placing him into the little bassinet the hospital provided and taking a drink and a bite of the sandwich Harry had bought you from the cafe seeing as you were starving.

You shuffled to sit up more and winced when the pain sho through you. At that moment Harry came through the door with a tired Emilia in his arms.

"Hello my princess" she smiled at me.

"Hi Mama. Is dat Mason?" She whispered noticing the baby was sleeping.

Harry placed her onto the bed as she climbed over to the bassinet. You sat up and watched her facial expression as she looked in at the baby.

"What do you think Princess? Should we keep him?" Harry questioned sitting on the bed next to both of you.

Emilia nodded, smiling at the small boy in the bassinet.

"Oh I don't know. I was thinking we might give him back," you joked and Emilia's mouth opened in surprise.

"No Mama! You can't do dat! Mason's my brudda," she said and you chuckled.

"I'm kidding darling. We all love him too much to send him back," you kissed her cheek as Harry kissed the other one. "And we love you too," you whispered and she smiled.

"Emilia love aaaaall of you," she put emphasis on 'all' making you smile at how grown up she was becoming.

"You going to stay with Grandma Anne tonight?" She nodded excitedly.

"Ok, well Grandma Anne and Grandpa Robin are coming in to see Mason before you all leave. The boys and girls left when I brought Emilia in. They'll come back tomorrow," you nodded and smiled as he left the room to bring Anne and Robin in.

While Harry was gone, you took Mason out of the bassinet and laid him on the bed.

"Lie beside your brother and get a picture my darling," she complied instantly and smiled largely. "My beautiful babies."

"Where is the little handsome devil," Anne smiled and you motioned to the bed where Emilia was lying beside him hiding him from the door. "Oh he's beautiful, can I hold him?" Harry nodded and his mother picked up the small baby. "What's his name?" She asked. You had told no one his name yet.

"Mason Edward Styles," you said quietly and watched her eyes fill with tears.

"Oh he's so beautiful. Aren't you little Mason, yes you are," she cooed. Robin took him next and by the time they were ready to leave, Emilia had fallen asleep on you.

"Goodnight my Princess. I'll see you tomorrow," you whispered, kissing her cheek lightly before Harry carried her out of the room. Taking her to his mother and stepfathers car leaving just you and Mason.

Your mother and father came in at that moment and had a hold of Mason quickly before promising to come back tomorrow when you weren't so tired. You snapped a picture of the tiny boy and sent it to the boys and girls.

Introducing Mason Edward Styles, 6lb 2oz. X

After you received a reply from everyone telling you how cute and beautiful he was, you took the picture you took of Emilia and Mason to Instagram.

yourinstagram Introducing @harrystyles and I's little man. Mason Edward Styles. 6lb 2oz of pure perfection. He's so loved already by his big sister Emilia, she doesn't even want to send him back! I can't express how much my heart loves both of my babies. My Prince and my Princess. And I have my King. Our perfect little family that I can't wait to expand even more, much to Harry's happiness...xx

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now