5. Dinner Time

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You had made you and Harry lasagne for dinner and you were currently chopping Emilia's into tiny pieces. Being 1 and a half she was using a spoon and feeding herself. She was still making a mess but it wasn't as bad as when she started.

"Harry! Foods ready," you shouted and he came through to the dining room from the living a room with a waddling Emilia behind him.

"Come on Meels. Let's eat," she laughed as he lifted her up and slipped her into her Tripp Trapp. I put her tiny bowl in front of her and handed her spoon to her.

She managed to take some on the spoon and feed it into her mouth. You picked up the two plates of food you had served and handed one to Harry. You poured you both a small glass of wine and sat down to eat.

"Mama!" Emilia squealed, telling you to look at her as she put the food into her mouth.

"Well Done Emilia! You're a very clever girl!" You praised her and she smiled widely.

She finished her lasagne after Harry and you had finished yours and she pointed to plate asking for more.

You brought the chocolate cake you made for Harry and you and handed Emilia her chopped up fruit. She smiled happily and moved on to that while you served up cake for you and Harry.

"Babe this is amazing," Harry complimented you. You thanked him before he broke a little bit off and fed it to Emilia. Here blue eyes widened and her mouth formed into a smile as she opened and closed her hand at Harry's cake.

"God look what you've started," you laughed and he smiled at you.

"It's only fair she tried your cake. It's amazing babe," you cleared the plates that were finished including the bowl of Emilia's fruit as Harry was now feeding her chocolate cake.

"If she won't go to sleep tonight I'm blaming you."

"I done nothing. I didn't feed out child chocolate cake what do you mean." You laughed and shook your head before clearing Harry's plate which was now finished.

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now