17. 3rd Birthday

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"Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Emilia. Happy Birthday to you," you sang as you opened Emilia's door at 10am in the morning. There was no doubt she got her sleeping abilities from Harry. Most of the time you had to wake her up or else you knew for a fact she wouldn't sleep that night.

She groggily awakened and then noticed the presents in your hands, which woke her up instantly.

"Presents for Emilia?" She asked and you nodded.

"We need to call Daddy though so he can see you open your present though, ok?" She nodded and you opened the MacBook you had carried in with the presents on top, instantly FaceTiming him.

"Happy 3rd Birthday, my darling," was the first words that came through the MacBook.

"Fanks Daddy! I open presents now?" You and Harry both laughed. You positioned the laptop at the bottom of the bed and you sat behind Emilia, with her in between your legs, so Harry could see both of you.

"My two favourite girls," he whispered and you knew he was running his fingers over the screen. It had been 2 months since you had seen him at the show in London, and you missed him like crazy. He was currently over in Dublin and they were playing Croke Park in two days but they had interviews and press conferences fo the next two days.

Emilia opened all of her presents which consisted of a bracelet with the inscription 'You fill our lives with sunshine, and our hearts with love' and you hoped that she would treasure it when she grew up. She didn't really understand what it meant right now, but you knew she would appreciate it in the long run, but she did like that she could "match mummy with our bracelets", you had also gotten her a couple of toys, a Cinderella dress-up dress and also a baby doll that she eyed up everytime we went into Toys R Us.

Harry had also gotten her an Electric Range Rover to match this that was delivered to the house and a kids kitchen model but you had both decided to wait until he was back to give her those since they were her 'big presents'.

Eleanor, Sophia, Anne, Robin, Gemma, your mum and dad and a couple of your friends with kids were coming over to have a mini party for Emilia. She knew she was now 3 years old but didn't really understand anything else about the day.


"Wow Emilia! What's that?" you asked as she had opened part of Anne's present. She had bought her a pair of One Direction pyjamas along with a few other things. Emilia held up the pyjama top.

"Mama! It's Daddy!" she smiled and you nodded.

"Yes baby, it's Daddy!" you smiled at the three year old. Just as you went to walk into the kitchen to light Emilia's birthday candles on the cake, the doorbell rang. You figured it would be a parcel for Emilia that Harry had sent so you went to the door.

Your jaw dropped as you seen the curly haired man that you married and loved so much standing outside.

"Sorry I'm late," he whispered and you pulled him inside immediately attacking his lips with your own.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you," you whispered and he smiled.

"I've missed you too, my love. Where's the birthday girl though? We can catch up later," you nodded and kissed him once more.

"I was just about to light her candles. Maybe you should wait until she blows them out and surprise her. Just peak around the door and watch her," he looked confusingly at you. "Just trust me, wait until she's blown her candles out."


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. HIP HIP HOORAY!" Everyone sang and Emilia swayed her head from side to side.

"Ok love, make your wish," she nodded and closed her eyes before blowing out the candles with a little help from you.

Once she was finished you placed the cake onto the table with the rest of the snacks and you jerked your head at Harry to come out.

He walked through the threshold and Emilia gasped.

"DADDY!" She screamed launching herself at him.

"Mama! My wish comed true!" She squealed as Harry peppered her face with kisses. You walked up to your daughter and her father and placed your arms around both of them.

"I told you it would," you whispered and that's when Harry clicked. Emilia had told you her birthday wish was to have Harry be there after speaking to him on Skype. And you told her it would happen if she wished for it before blowing out her candles.

"How did you know?" he whispered.

"You were in an airport on Skype this morning. I hoped that you were coming here and not leaving."

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now