12. Night Before He Leaves

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"I'm going to miss my two girls," Harry whispered having Emilia cuddled in between you in bed. Yours and Harry's hands were intertwined and resting lightly on Emilia. Harry had decided to allow Emilia to sleep with you both tonight since he wouldn't see her for a week.

"We'll miss you too, but it's only for a week until we join you," you whispered back quietly careful not to wake Emilia.

"You'll be ok on the flight alone won't you?" He asked worryingly. You smiled at your husband.

"Of course we will. Don't get me wrong she's never been on a plane before so I am a little nervous but we'll be ok. I promise," you assured Harry and he lifted your hand and kissed it.

"I can't believe I won't see my girls for a week though," he said sadly and you chuckled. Emilia opened her eyes slowly and you felt guilty that you may have woken her up.

"Why daddy leaving?" She questioned groggily looking at Harry and then to you and back to Harry.

"Daddy's going to go on holiday for a week. Then Meels and Mama go on an aeroplane and go see him," you answered and your toddler nodded.

"An aeroplane!" She gasped excitedly. "So I see you again?" Emilia said to Harry and his face dropped. You could see him thinking how he could explain it that a 2 year old would understand it.

"You'll see me in 7 days sweetheart. I'll never leave you," she nodded and put her hands on top of you and Harry's hands making you both smile.

She fell back into a deep sleep and then you knew you would need to bring up the subject of him not being here for Emilia's birthday. He was due back in the UK on October 30th. Emilia's birthday was October 27th.

"You're missing Emilia's birthday," he nodded.

"As though I don't already fucking know that," Harry said with an angry tone to his voice. He got off of the bed softly so he didn't wake Emilia and without saying anything he left the bedroom.

You mentally cursed yourself for saying anything but you had to. You had to know if there was any possibility he could leave a few days earlier and be here. A few tears ran out of your eyes and you pushed them away. You felt like shit that it was you that made him snap.

You kissed Emilia's forehead and climbed out of bed, you figured Harry went downstairs so that's where you went. You noticed the living room light was on and the door was open. You walked in and noticed Harry sitting on the sofa.

"Harry?" You whispered cautiously, scared of him snapping again. He looked up at you and smiled apologetically. You could see he had been crying.

"I'm so sorry, my love. Come here," he opened his arms and you say in his lap.

"I'm sorry I made you snap," you whispered looking at him intently.

"Baby, it's my fault I'm sorry. You were only stating a fact. I've been fighting management on it but they won't budge. I feel like a shitty dad. My baby's turning 3 soon and I'll miss it," another tear rolled down his cheek and you wiped it away.

"Don't you ever say that you're a shitty dad. Emilia absolutely adores you. She worships the ground you walk on. You're the best dad ever, even I can see that. You're so protective, loving, caring and attentive towards her. Please don't put yourself down. We can have a Skype party with you. Just please don't say you're a shitty dad because you're the absolute opposite. You're the best dad I could ever want my children to have," you said kissing his cheek lightly.

"Thank you. A Skype party sounds good. It will at least let me see her blowing out her candles," you nodded kissing his lips gently. He deepened the kiss and you pulled away.

"Emilia's in the bed," you whispered breathily.

"She's not on the sofa," he smirked before standing up and dropping you onto the sofa, hovering above you kissing you, deeply.

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now