6. Bath Time

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"Hey baby, bedtime for you," Harry whispered to the sleeping one and a half year old sprawled out on top of you both, who were laying on the sofa. It was only 7 o'clock but she was out for the count.

"Can you carry her up? I'll go get her pyjamas out of the drier," Harry nodded and you stood up carefully moving your daughters limbs from your body. You walked to the laundry room, finding Emilia's pair of Minnie Mouse pajamas before going upstairs and seeing Harry had already undressed her so she only had her nappy on.

You gently put her pajamas on before laying her in her crib, tucking her in. Harry and you had discussed making the transition to a big girl bed soon. You kissed her head gently and smiled as she smiled and stirred a little. 

"Mama loves you beautiful girl," you kissed her once again before leaving Harry to say his goodnights and knowing he always got carried away, you started to run a bath for you both. Once it was full, you stripped and got into the bath. Once Harry walked in he smirked at you and stripped, joining you in the bath, sitting behind you.

"This is relaxing," he murmured into your hair and you nodded.

"Mhm," was all you could get out.

"You know Emilia's growing up," you knew exactly where Harry's words were going. "Don't you miss having little tiny, tiny feet? And being completely responsible for a baby?" you sat forward and spun around so you were leaning on the other side of the tub, looking at him.

"Harry, Emilia's still a baby. I want more kids, I promise I do. But once the album is out in a few months you'll be going on tour and I don't want you to be on tour my whole pregnancy. I don't think it's the right time," he nodded at you. "I'm sorry," you whispered and he shook his head.

"Hey, I totally understand. Emilia needs our attention right now, I guess I just think she's growing up to fast," you nodded agreeing.

You both relaxed in the bath for around 10 minutes when the cries errupted. You stood up grabbing a towel.

"I got it," you kissed Harry before drying your feet and hands a little and then wrapping a robe around you, making your way into Emilia's room. She was sitting up in the crib clutching onto her little blanket. You took her into your arms and bounced lightly. "What's wrong baby?"

"Mummy baf?" she questioned touching your neck.

"Yeah, mummy was having a bath," She laughed causing you to smile.

"Meel baf! Meel baf!" She squealed and you laughed at her reaction. You shouted to Harry to cool the water down as it would be too hot for Emilia and it was only 7:30 so if she was up till 8 it wouldn't be the worst thing.

You took her to your bathroom where Harry was sitting on the bathroom counter with a towel around his bottom half. You untied your robe and stepped into the bath while Harry took Emilia's pajamas off for her and then placed her gently into the bath.

Harry stayed kneeling at the side of the bath playing with Emilia while you focused on washing both of you. "All done," you smiled at the toddler sitting facing you. Harry got her big white fluffy towel and wrapped her in it, redressing her again after placing a nappy on her.

"Goodnight baby," you kissed her as Harry brought her over to you while you were still in the bath.

"I'll just go read her a story," You nodded at your husband smiling. He was the perfect husband, partner, dad. He was a perfect person. And you wanted to give him what he wanted, but it just wasn't the right time...

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now