18. Hopefully, I Think...

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You knew there was something different. As soon as you woke up you knew what it was. You turned to excitedly tell Harry but he wasn't there, instead there was a piece of paper.

Been called into Management. I'll be home in a few hours. I love you xx

You squealed excitedly before going into the bathroom. Should you or should you wait? You decided to do it so you didn't need to get him excited if it wasn't true. You went into the drawer that held the pregnancy tests and took one out. You knew if this came out positive, you would need to take another one to prove it to Harry.

You took the box into the little toilet and done your business. Once you were finished you lay the test on top of the counter and washed your hands.

You went back into the room and grabbed your phone ready to call Harry if it was positive. After the three minute wait you turned it over and there it was. The little line in the control window along with the little pink plus. You covered your hand, your smile hurting because it was so big.

You dialled Harry quickly and he answered on the second ring.

"Hi love, is everything ok?" You smiled hearing his voice.

"Hi, uhm, I need to talk to you about something. Do you think you could come home as soon as possible?" You asked trying to sound like your weren't smiling like crazy.

"The meeting just finished. I'm on my way now love. I'll see you soon ok. I love you," you told him you loved him too and hung up. You decided to let Emilia sleep and then you would wake her up once you told Harry.


The front door opened and then close and you heard Harry walk around downstairs before coming upstairs. You were lying back in bed with the duvet covering your legs and you had Harry's shirt on. He stripped his clothes off before climbing into bed wearing his boxers.

"Are you ok babe? Why did you need me home?" he asked worryingly and you smiled turning towards him.

"So I have something I need to tell you," you whispered, acting nervous. "I-I think we might need to break out the crib again," his eyes went wide.

"Did Emilia fall out of her bed, holy, is she ok?" he started to worry and you realized maybe this wasn't the best angle to come at it from.

You flipped your leg over him and straddled his lap. "I said, I think we might need to break the crib out again," his eyes widened with excitement. He finally got it.

"You mean- You're- pregnant? Are you sure?" you nodded your head and he smiled widely and flipped you over so you were lying on your back.

"100% positive," you whispered and his eyes got even brighter with excitement.

"I'm so excited. Emilia's going to be a big sister. And we're going to have to look after a baby again, and we get to go through the whole pregnancy thing again and I'll be going to Tesco at 3 in the morning to get you nutella and garlic crackers and- I'm so happy baby. We're expanding our family. We need to book an appointment with the Ultrasound Technician," you nodded and pulled his head towards yours for a kiss.

You heard the door creak open and you turned your head to see Emilia standing there with her polar bear she had kept since her first Christmas.

"Hi Meels, come get hugs," you smiled pushing Harry off of you and welcoming the little girl to fit in between you.

You looked to Harry and he motioned to Emilia. You nodded knowing exactly what he was asking.

"Emilia, Mama and I need to talk to you," she nodded and sat up to face you both. "So we want to tell you that we love you so so much, nothing will ever change that, you know that right?" She nodded and then you took over.

"Daddy and I want to tell you that you're going to be a big sister, to a little brother or sister," her eyes widened.

"When are we getting them? Can we get a boy? I want a brudda? Katie says brudda's are more fun," Emilia said excitedly and you smiled.

"The baby's in Mama's tummy right now, and it's really, really small. And eventually Mama's tummy will get bigger, and that means the baby's growing. And then the baby can come out of Mama's tummy," Harry explained and she nodded.

"So you don't choose if it's a boy or girl?" She asked and you shook your head.

"No baby, but I guess you just have to cross your fingers," you said and she nodded. She put a hand on your belly.

"So the baby is in there?" You nodded and she looked bewilderingly at your belly. "How did it get in there?" Harry's face turned into one of shock.

"Well, Mama and Daddy each have something inside them that makes a baby. So when they give each other a special hug, the two things come together and make a baby inside Mama's tummy. But you only get the special thing when you're in love and a grown up. Daddy and I will teach you more about it when you're a little older," she nodded content for the moment. She still had her hand on your tummy.

"I think it's a brudda," Emilia smiled, nodding. "It's a brudda."

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now