Chapter 26 -

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Hey guys, just letting you know that the wedding is a Catholic one, I don't mean any offence to be caused by it or anything, and I just know the most about Catholic weddings!

Chapter 26:

The wind ruffled the curls in my hair gently as I stepped out of the car, and I raised an arm to pin them down slightly. The scene before me was breath-taking; a small, stone church with a cherry red door sat perched on an edge of an island. Thick, dark green tree's covered the immediate area of the church, and the calming water around the island was rippling softly.

I straightened up, craning my neck to take in the miniature church even more. A familiar face filled my vision, and Dani wrapped her arms around me. She squealed as she stepped away from me and took an appreciative glance of my figure.

"I heard about that little big secret you're keeping from Blake." She whispered, suggestively laying a hand across my lower abdomen and I blushed violently. Dani frowned through her grin slightly, "It's surprising he didn't actually realize you had fully bonded. And he's supposed to have a degree on claims and all that crap." Dani and I rolled our eyes simultaneously, sighing.

Stupid men.

"Blake's getting very agitated; I think the little baby's nervous!" Annie exclaimed, as she ran out the church breathlessly, laughing as she went. Dani smirked also, shaking her head with laughter. "Come on, our blushing bride; let's get you to Blake before he bursts an artery or fourteen!" Annie teased, handing me my bouquet of red roses, which I nearly forgot about.

"How many people exactly are there?" I asked as we walked towards the entrance of the church, where Gerald was politely waiting. Dani stifled a laugh, "Eh, there's me, Steve, Annie, Gerald, Amy and Alex." My heart sped up; my two best friends were there?!

Amy and Alex were my best friends, but when mum and dad died, I became distant, and they had given up on me ever so slightly.

But they were here now, and that meant a lot to me.

Dani and Annie scampered inside the church up to their seats on the first pew. I hooked my elbow with Gerald, and the harmonious piano music flooded the small chapel from the top corner. Gerald and I stepped in beat with the music up the aisle, and Blake turned around, shooting me a toothy grin of pride. My eyes flickered to Amy and Alex who were jumping up and down with excitement, and waved cheerfully when they saw me.

I beamed back, and we reached the altar, where a priest was waiting patiently along aside Blake who was swaying a little in tune with the music, which was slowly dying down, and then the ceremony began....

The priest smiled down at me, "Repeat after me please, I, Cassandra Freeman, take you Blake King, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

I sucked in a deep breath, and then reeled off the vow everybody knew, "I, Cassandra Freeman, take you Blake King, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

Steve made a whooping noise, and I threw back my head and laughed, feeling reckless.

The priest turned to Blake, "Repeat after me please, I, Blake King take you Cassandra Freeman to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part."

Steve whooped again, and Dani audibly told him off, which caused everyone to start laughing.

And then the wedding ring that complimented the engagement ring that I loved was slid onto my finger, and an almost identical one onto Blake's.

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