Rescued By An Angel (Litrerally) Chapter 16 Blake King, Fiancee

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Cassy's Side Of The Story:

I woke up in my bed, alone. I smirked to myself, so this is how Blake ended up with clean clothes every day without me ever seeing him leave. I stumbled out of my bed, and groped blindly at my desk, searching for my iPod so I could see what time it was. Finally, I had it.


The middle of the night.

I flicked on my bedroom light, squinting in the sudden brightness, it hurt my eyes. I glanced down at my body, I was in my pyjamas? I don't remember changing. I frowned, well, this was weird. At least I didn't go to sleep in my bikini. That would be yuck in the morning.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the ornate mirror hanging on my bedroom wall, my bruise was visible.


Blake must have seen it.

Panic filled me. He couldn't know about Ryan. He just couldn't.  

Blake would think I was weak, pathetic.

I blinked away tears, and held my head high.

It was a bad dream, not real; I told myself.

Suddenly, my door jolted, and I opened it, obviously someone was trying to get in here. I smiled warmly to myself, it was probably Blake. I was prepared to see Blake's friendly grin, and his welcoming eyes.

Instead the over-whelming stench of alcohol hit me, making me gag.

It was Ryan.

He sauntered into my room, wheezing and leering at the bright surroundings. Shock overtook me, and I screamed. Ryan turned to me, as if seeing me for the first time. "Heh, it's my little whore. C'mere, darling." Ryan slurred, swaying slightly on his feet as he lunged towards me. I picked up the nearest object to me, an encyclopaedia, and aimed it at his droopy head.

I missed, dropping the heavy leather-bound book, and it landed on the floor with a dull thud. Ryan was nearing me, his eyes on my bare legs. He cornered me, smirking at me. His foul breath filled my face and lungs and I hacked a cough, bringing up bile; a mix of terror and nausea. The bile spewed out my mouth, onto Ryan's shoes and he went ballistic.

"You dumb cow! LOOK AT MY SHOES YOU WHORE! CLEAN THEM!" He screamed, firing punches in my direction. I dodged them, tears freely flowing down my face. "Why are you crying, little girl?" Ryan's face suddenly was close again, sneering at me. He placed a hand on my thigh, and it climbed up my leg, stopping when I kneed him in the groin. He moved his hand, cursing.

And that's when the barrage of frustrated whacks and kicks came in my direction, and I just sank to the floor, wishing it'd stop, but knowing it wouldn't.

Blake's Side Of The Story:

Blake glanced at his watch, 03:17, he had left Cassy just over 15 minutes ago. He had sneaked out to go to Mrs Turner's house to grab some books for Cassy on claims, she had seemed interested in the facts behind them.

Mrs Turner was sitting by her roaring fire, knitting some ghastly thing in canary yellow. Blake greeted her politely, she knew all about Cassy. "Hey, Maggie, is it alright if I borrow some books for Cassy about claims? I just want to explain stuff to her." He asked, smiling at the elderly woman. She grinned gummily at him, waving her hand, "Do, do. Take whatever you want. I can tell you're falling for this girl already. So I made her a hat, here you go, dear. Be sure to give it to her." Maggie held up a chunky violet hat to Blake, and he inwardly chuckled. It was the kind of thing Cassy would go gaga over, and it would suit her skin tone. Cassy was gorgeous, and she was all his.

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