Rescued By An Angel (Literally) - I'd Like Some Peanuts

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Chapter 21:

Cassy's Side Of The Story:

I woke up to the calming sounds of Arcade Fire, and blearily tried to figure out where exactly I was. My legs cracked sickeningly when I stretched them out, my whole body screaming in complaint. Immediately, I recognized the Toyota, and I saw it was dark outside. I pushed the woollen blanket that covered my body down slightly, and squinted in the dim light of the car, "Blake, why am I here?" Blake chuckled, and reached out to smooth down a piece of my hair, "Well, you crashed out pretty early yesterday, and I didn't want to wake you so I let you sleep. We're going to the airport, remember?" I nodded sleepily, curling my legs up beneath me. God, I must have slept for around twelve hours, "Sorry for sleeping for so long, it must be boring without my lovely voice chattering away the whole time." I mumbled, shivering slightly; why was I always cold recently?

Blake automatically turned the heating up in the car, and I saw a glint as the ray of light off a streetlight reflected off him. I peered closer, and nearly jumped out my seat with laughter. "Blake! You have your lip ring in!" I sat on the edge of my seat to try and see it properly, but I couldn't with the bad lighting. He nodded absent-mindedly, humming to the radio. My stomach rumbled, and I quietly cursed it, only wanting to go back to sleep. It gurgled again, and I blushed while Blake barked a quick laugh, and turned to face me, "Look, there's a petrol station just a bit up the road from here, will you last until then?" I bobbed my head, but felt betrayed when my stomach growled.

I saw the neon lights fast approaching and drummed my fingers on the dashboard, counting the cars which passed; only one. Blake pulled into the petrol station, and all the bright, flashing lights hurt to look at. He got out the car, and walked around to mine, opening it for me. I hopped out, and glanced down at what I was wearing. Dear God, I was in my pyjama bottoms and a tank top. But I didn't go to sleep in those, I knew that for certain. "Blake, I can't go in there wearing this! And did you change my clothes?" He pushed me towards the shining door, "Yes, you can go in, you don't look that bad. And yes, I didn't think you'd mind, I've seen you in your undies before." I laughed as we neared the entrance, "Did you really just say undies? How old are you, four?"

The door pinged as we strolled into the food area of the station, and a bored face of a guy our age greeted us. But I wasn't looking at him; I was staring at Blake's lip ring. It seemed like a part of him almost, it suited him so well. "Take a picture, Cas, it'll last longer." Blake murmured sarcastically and I blushed, searching down the aisles for something I wanted. I decided on a trail mix bar and picked up a shiny red apple, peeling the sticker off it and placing it on my forehead. I wandered over to the refrigerated section, and plucked a pineapple and banana smoothie from the shelf. I approached the counter, and the guy at the counter straightened up immediately, smiling at me sleazily. "Is that all, little miss?" He leered, not looking at my face, but at my chest. I scowled at him, glancing behind me, wondering where Blake was. The guy's name tag told me he was Garry, and he was a trainee. "Listen, Garry, my eyes are on my head, not my boobs." I growled, and he reached out to touch my bare arm. I took a step back, and my eyes darted around the store, searching for Blake.

Suddenly, he appeared at my side, glaring at Garry. Garry sneered at Blake, "Ah, I see your brothers here. Listen, mate, why don't you just leave your sister here with me?" Blake's eyes narrowed dangerously, and he licked his lips. I could see fury slowly building up in Blake, if I didn't know him any better, I would say he was calm, thoughtful maybe; but anger was growing. "She is not my sister. Cassy, go wait in the car." I blinked, confused. "Cas, just go wait, okay?" He spoke gently, but his voice had an edge, and it scared me slightly. "Yes, little miss, do what he says." Garry smirked, and I felt like punching him. And I did.

I swung my arm forward and hit him square in the nose, and a ripple of satisfaction ran through me when blood began to trickle down his jaw. I spun on my heel and headed towards the car, ripping open my trail mix bar on the way. I slumped down into the passenger seat of the Toyota and rolled down the window, enjoying the cool breeze. After a minute or so I started fiddling with the buttons on the radio, flicking through the channels, uninterested in all of them. I chewed on my bar, and then moved onto my apple, Blake still hadn't appeared yet. I craned my neck, trying to see in through the windows, but failing.

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