Chapter 29 -

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Hey Guys! Sorry that it's short, but it didn't seem right continuing the story in the same chapter as this. I'm working on my new story at the moment too, and want to wrap this one up so I can get started on my new one. Hope you all will like it, I do!

Chapter 29:

Blake's Side of The Story:

I didn't panic, I didn't scream, I didn't shout. Sure, I was pissed off, but I stayed calm. I pulled out my cell phone, and dialled the second number on speed-dial. Immediately Steve picked up, he was out of breath and I could hear the gusts of wind blowing down into the phone's speakers. "Blake, we have him, he's down at O'Brien's Cliffs, and we're nearly there. This is looking bad, Blake, I'm not going to lie." He suddenly hung up, and I sprang into action; I needed to get my sorry ass down there as soon as possible.

My car was still running in the driveway, I grabbed a fleecy blanket from Annie's airing cupboard and raced back out to the car. I had left the door open, and it had started to pour down but I didn't really care if the interior of the car was getting wet. I reversed out the driveway and straight onto the main road, ignoring the honking horns and protests of the other drivers. O'Brien's cliffs were around fifteen minutes away, would he really be so stupid as to go somewhere so close to where we lived?

The rain created a deafening plitter platter against the car, and the sky had darkened significantly compared to what it was like a mere hour ago. An hour ago, Cassy was spinning around throwing paint and now she was in a cave with her Uncle who had plans to kill her? Geez, whatever happened to a quiet life? In perspective, this would be easy. Three angels against one pathetic human? And how did he find us anyways? I shivered suddenly; did I really want to know how he had found out about where we were and about the wedding?

The small viewing park that was located near the cliff's whizzed past my window. My hands tightened their grip on the steering wheel, turning my knuckles a ghostly shade of off-white, tinged with blue. I was near, but not near enough. I had made it in record time, making a fifteen minute drive only take five minutes. I didn't want to think about the speed I was going at, but no doubt Cassy would have a heart attack if she found out I was going over a hundred and fifty miles an hour. She'd probably smack the back of my head as well, and I would pretend that it had hurt just to make her happy, but then feel bad.

I stopped the car as soon as I had entered the car park for walkers and cut the engine hastily, jumping out and once again leaving the car door open, but I didn't care, and not when Cassy's life was in the hands of her psycho uncle. I broke out into a sprint, heading towards the big cliff which I knew had a small inlet where Ryan would no doubt be. That man didn't have an ounce of cunning or creativity. I knew Steve and Dani were there, but that didn't console me, I had to be there also. I couldn't and wouldn't let Ryan hurt her.

I leaped off of the metal railings that acted as barriers, briefly enjoying the view and the cool, crisp air that greeted me almost knowingly. I landed on the slippery surface of the cliff, swiftly catching myself before I cracked my skull from falling over on the hard surface.  I edged closer to the cliff ending, and eased my legs down, until they were dangling freely, just inches from the cutting edge that was the entrance into the inlet. I'd done this so many times as a kid; I was just rusty; I hadn't been here in around three years.

I pried my fingers off of the green cliff edge, and dropped. The wind whistled past my ears and I felt free, like I was flying. Then I landed and the cold, hard ground brought me back to why I was here; to rescue Cassy and not to do awesome cliff stunts. I dusted myself off as I clambered to my feet, following the harsh mumblings of voices that my ears strained to catch. I clung to the wall, not wanting to crash to the floor and bring attention to my presence. I wanted to catch him unaware, to surprise him.

There was Ryan's voice, nasally and quite high sounding commanding, and some whimpering that wasn't Cassy's. Did he have two people in there with him? A muffled shriek reached me, and my heart stuttered, it was Cassy and she sounded as if she was in pain. I quickened my pace, where were Steve and Dani and why weren't they protecting Cassy and the other woman? Just that second I walked past Steve's jacket, which lay crumpled on the floor in messy heap, abandoned.

I rounded the corner, and took in the scene before me; shocked. A woman I recognized as Cher was bound and gagged, thrown down on the hard floor, Dani and Steve were perched up on a shelf just behind Ryan, ready to attack him. And Cassy rested on the ground, bloodied and beaten, most of her clothes ripped and strewn all over the surrounding area. Ryan was standing over her menacingly, his pants around his ankles and his hand travelling up Cassy's thigh roughly. I didn't hesitate to act, even though Steve and Dani were motioning for me not to even think about doing anything.

I hurled myself at Ryan's turned away back, barely noticing Cassy's eyes flash towards me, tensing. Ryan heard my footsteps approaching and spun on his heels to face me. He had a gun in his hands, and he fired it in my direction. The bullet missed me by mere millimetres; and he tried to fire it again but a hollow clicking was the only noise it made. He was out of bullets. I laughed at his shocked face before I lunged at his smug face, which was still peppered with bruises from me the other day.

My fist made a satisfying crack against his nose, breaking it. Next came his ribs, and two more cracks came as he scrunched his body against the walls of the cave and sunk to the floor, hands gripping his sides. I didn't stop hurting him, I wanted him to feel as much pain as Cassy had done, and I wanted him to be sorry he even laid a finger on her. Nobody stopped me either, until Cassy came up behind me, and placed a hand on my forearm, startling me.

Her eyes buzzed, but not in the good way, they were full of terror and panic. "Blake, stop." She murmured as her filled to the brim with unshed tears. I staggered back from Ryan's body, and just pulled her into a hug, holding her close and tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2011 ⏰

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