Chapter 19: ..... Shut Up About Our Imaginery Baby Michael?

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Hey guys! Just popped in to say hello! This chapter's a filler, I'll upload the next part pretty fast. Now, my dears, vote, comment and even fan if you want! Or be cool like me and do all three! xXX

Chapter 19: If I get you more pancakes will you shut up about our imaginary baby Michael?

Cassy's Side Of The Story:

Blake was completely zoned out. Trust me to go and end up sharing a hotel room with some perfectionist, zoning-out angel. I waved my hands in front of his face, "BLLLAAAAKKKKEEEEEEEEEE I'M HUNGRY! LET ME OUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!" I whisper-yelled, my stomach rumbled and I pointed at it, "It needs food. Now. I get cranky when I don't get food." I growled, all I wanted was my breakfast for God's sake. Blake was sitting on a chair in the corner of the beige room, staring into space idly.

I sighed tiredly, and crawled back into my bed, "You're such an asshole sometimes. I'm starving, and you just sit there. BLAKE! FEED ME!" I groaned into my pillow. Sure, I was over-reacting, but I'm hungry. So I'm allowed to sulk.

"Uh, what were you saying?" Blake said confusion evident in his voice. I sat up in the bed, and threw my hands in the air, "I've been nagging you for the past five minutes and you were just zoned out completely! I WANT FOOD!" Blake shook his head slowly, "Sorry, Cas, was talking to your mom. And food? Again? Okay, just put some clothes on, as much as I enjoy seeing you prance around half naked, I don't think other people will." I gaped at him, "I'm not half naked! You lie! This shirt is a dress, and wearing a dress doesn't mean you're half naked."

I pulled at the shirt I was wearing, and it went down to my knee caps. It was a men's extra-large, and Dani had bought it for me in the hotels gift shop. I got out of the bed, and started to dig in my kind of empty suitcase, chatting as I did. "I'm going to act completely loved up and over exaggerate downstairs, and make everyone puke up the breakfast they just paid for and ate. And you're going to be so disgusted with my soppiness that you'll buy me more pancakes just to shut me up." I beamed at Blake, as he watched me, looking amused. I decided on white denim shorts and a black tank top, I just changed there in front of Blake, I mean really, he's seen it all before when we were at the beach.

"I wonder if they have maple syrup. And how's my mom?" I mused, as Blake ushered me out the door, locking it behind him. "You're so weird sometimes, maple syrup, and then asking me about your dead mom? Well, I'll buy you some syrup if they don't have any. And your mom is fine; she's a right chatter box. Non-stop talking, I now know where you get it from." Blake sniggered just as we entered the dining area. I whacked him in the gut, just before we reached the buffet. It was like heaven, on a buffet table. I grabbed a huge plate of pancakes and a jug of maple syrup and headed to the table where Blake was waiting with a sole cup of coffee.

"Do you ever eat?" I grumbled shooting him a dirty look as I eyed his coffee. "Do you ever stop eating?" Blake retorted, earning him a kick from under the table. "Aw, but honey, I had a very busy night last night!" I whined, and he flushed. I stifled a giggle as we earned some stares and Blake glared. "And don't forget, babe, I'm eating for two! Little Michael needs food to grow strong and healthy." I patted my stomach tenderly, and Blake rolled his eyes. "If I get you more pancakes will you shut up about our imaginary baby Michael?" I nodded excitedly, bouncing in my seat. He walked off, and I decided to talk to him in his thoughts, just to annoy him.

'Blake, I need syrup. The baby needs syrup.'

'You don't have a baby. And you're supposed to only communicate with me like this in emergencies.'

'But this is an emergency! I need syrup. For our baby. Called Michael.'

'Cassandra, really now? Syrup isn't an emergency, and you're not pregnant.'

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