Memories Bring Back Memories...

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But as soon as Hanuman's good news and words ended, something else began. Anxiousness. Ram grabbed Lakshman's shoulder and pulled him into a cave, where he sat him down and stared him in the eye. Lakshman looked back without a hint of confusion remaining in his face. In Ram's eyes, all he could see was happiness, pure happiness bouncing back at him like a sun beam, though Ram felt something different. Ram felt the terrible, unimaginable and most unwanted burden-of hesitance.

"Lakshman, GOD! What do I do? I know where Sita is, and I know that she's safe and sound, but Lakshman, I'm scared! What if Lankesh does do something to her? He does have her in his capture, and we are just going there to reclaim her! What if he kills her in exchange for us arriving there? What if she's already gone? What if Lankesh discovers our secrets?" Ram gasped, biting his nails and trying to steady himself. "What do I do?"
Lakshman stood up, shaking his head with a grumble and walking over to Ram, pulling him out of the cave, and showing him the legions and legions of monkeys, all Sugriv's. "The matter is of a what-if, bhaiyya. It is not something we are certain of. Besides, Ravan er um -he-wants to marry Sita bhabhi. He wouldn't kill her, that would be a sign of weakness. One of Ravan's greatest weaknesses, bhaiyya, is arrogance, and that will be his downfall, is that not right?" Ram hummed, before straightening up.

"And there is no question of our victory, Laksh! Dharma always wins over adharma, doesn't it? And our men are very powerful, and very devoted to what is good and right in the world." Ram exhaled. "Nowhere will we find someone as loyal to an alliance as Sugriv. Nowhere will we find someone as aware of righteousness as Angad. Nowhere will we find someone as dedicated and powerful as Hanuman. Nal, Neel, Jambavan, all of them, they're fighting not only for Sita and I, but for dharma itself, isn't that right?"

Lakshman nodded, but as Ram turned his back on him and started to walk down the cliff again, he rubbed his eyes cautiously, swallowing hard. "What did I do to deserve someone so understanding in my life? If only I had done something to deserve their kindness, their generosity towards my brother, and their devotion towards him. I'm glad Ram bhaiyya has allies like them, perhaps, when I am gone and dead, they will support him."


Angad had never seen so many monkeys in his lifetime! They were coming from this way and that, adjusting their small crowns and helmets, chattering busily to each other, looking as eager to fight as Ravan's newly planted trees were to get their fruit picked. They came rushing down the hills, and he could only drop his jaw a little bit before standing straighter up and walking towards Sugriv thoughtfully, wondering what he'd have to say.

Sugriv beamed at the procession, throwing his arms out joyfully. "When Hanuman informed me how strong the army of Lanka was, I'd figured we'd have had to match it, to better our chances, right? So I called monkey populations, anyone who wanted to volunteer, anyone who wanted to help you, Shri Ram! And it turns out that there were more than I could have ever imagined! The entire kingdom of Kishkindha!"

Lakshman snorted and Angad turned towards him. "The entire Kingdom of Kishkindha?" he asked disbelievingly. "Raja Sugriv, you've invited the entire monkey population of the world!" Sugriv blushed abashedly as Lakshman gave him a knowing look. Then, he scratched the back of his neck. "Not that I'm complaining and all-but that's the most beings I ever seen congregated in one place. It's astounding really."
Hanuman crossed his arms proudly. "It is astounding how many monkeys there are in the world, but it certainly isn't why they'd all want to support dharma and thus Prabhu Shri Ram! Angad helped me get the word out!" Angad ran a hand across his throat and tried to move away from Hanuman, but Hanuman just hugged him and beamed as Ram quietly chuckled and Lakshman hid his face in his hands to try and hide his smile.

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