Unintentional Alliance-Part 1

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"Ram, Bharat, Lakshman, Shatrughan," Dasharath began, addressing his nine-year old sons with pride. They all looked up at him, eager to please, except Shatrughan, who, as always, looked as if he had planned an elaborate prank and everything was going to plan.

"Tomorrow, my fellow ruler, King Vanshik of Mahisthami is arriving. We will be negotiating a potential alliance. This is a very important friendship for us to make, as Mahisthami is almost as powerful as Kosala. He is bringing his child, who is only a few months younger than the twins. Make sure to be on your best behavior, as he will meet you all." Ram nodded, Bharat swallowed, and Lakshman scratched the back of his head sheepishly. Right, he thought, don't start any fights, Lakshman.

"Ah, yes, and before you go, Lakshman, Shatrughan." Dasharath called. Said two turned back. "Dress the same, now would you? I want uniformity." The twins looked at each other. They hadn't dressed alike since birth. This would be interesting! Shatrughan wanted to see how similar they looked. Even though they were born identical, no one seemed to have any trouble telling them apart.

The next morning, Bharat and Ram were breakfasting, while the queens stared at them lovingly. Suddenly, Sumitra, a sudden chill taking over her, asked,

"Where are Lakshman and Shatrughan?" All chatter stopped. Even the birds outside stopped chirping. Everyone knew that if one thing was the same between the twins, it was their love for food. The last time Shatrughan didn't come in time for food, he was busy planning a prank. He had caused multicolored confetti to fall upon the court officials and ambassadors, resulting in chaos and multiple resignations. Sumitra had twisted his ear so hard that Shatrughan claimed that he had sprained it.

Lakshman followed Ram around like a shadow. When Ram showed up, chances were that Lakshman was close behind. If he got separated from him, unless Lakshman was harmed, something highly unlikely, it was intentional and important.

"W-what if they're planning something?" Bharat asked, voicing everyone's inner fears. Silence was the only reply. Shatrughan was quite the comedic genius himself, but if Lakshman joined, the kingdom could already say good-bye to the world. Laksh had a dark sense of humor and determination, as well as intimidation on his side, (he could be quite scary if he was angry) and if they combined their forces....well, the queens shuddered to think what would happen.

Images of fiery explosions and mass deaths came to mind. Allies lost, the kingdom's fall from glory, food shortages, particularly sweets, (the twins' favorite food), and vast devastation. Or maybe something as simple as paint everywhere.

Thankfully, minutes later, the combo walked into the dining hall wearing matching golden dhotis and royal blue wraps, looking utterly embarrassed, and refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

"Sorry, father for being so late. We didn't have any matching clothes, for some reason." Shatrughan glared at his twin who sighed. Lakshman had made sure that they had no matching clothes from the beginning.

"Forgive me if I don't want to be associated with a goof  like you!" he exclaimed, and both rolled their eyes at the same time. Bharat shook his head, and tried to admonish them.

"Don't fight, Laksh, Shatru," They looked at him all offended. "We're not fighting!" they cried in unison, then looked at each other in awe.

"Wow!" Shatrughan cried. "We really-" "-are identical!" Lakshman finished. None of the royal family was used to the twins behaving alike; sometimes, they even forgot that they weren't simply brothers, but identical twins. So, this demonstration of unified excellence bewildered everyone.

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