Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning, Wang Bao and Nakai were awoken by the morning alarm that sounded more like an emergency siren. The alarm had barely stopped when a soft yet rapid knock sounded at their door. Wang Bao was half awake and forgot what he had fallen asleep on, when he tried to swing his legs over the side of his bed he landed on his face, the hammock swinging softly above him. Nakai didn't bother to hide his laughter as he got out of bed, his mind fully awake. He opened the door and saw it was the Werebeast. Lani was hoping Wang Bao would answer and stared up at Nakai with a hint of shock and disappointment. Wang Bao groaned as he tried to stand but the hammock was sitting on his bird's nest of hair. Nakai could already picture what was happening, and didn't bother to look back while Lani tried to peek around Nakai's large body but failed. A good enough amount of time had passed but Lani hadn't said anything, Nakai quickly prompted him by asking.

"Is there a reason you're knocking on our door?"

Lani gave up on trying to see Wang Bao and stood tall, declaring seriously.

"I've come to help Bao with breakfast."

Pou came walking the corridor while banging on the crew's dorm doors, ensuring they were awake and ready. When he caught sight of Lani and Nakai he wasn't sure if he should jump in or sit back and watch. Wang Bao had finally woken up enough to untangle himself from his bed and stood beside Nakai at the door, making Pou even more interested in what would happen. From his position he could hear Lani saying he would help with breakfast. Wang Bao smoothed his messy black hair before thanking Lani quietly and the two walked towards the dining area. Nakai walked back into the room and changed into work overalls, by the time he had finished Pou had knocked on everyone's door and was waiting outside patiently. When both Giants saw each other, Pou exclaimed with a smile.

"Finally, someone is able to get ready as fast as me... Are you sure you want Lani to help Bao?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

Pou shrugged his shoulders and the rest of the crew finally made their way out of the cabins. Seeing everyones tired faces warmed Pou's heart and he eagerly clapped his hands, gathering everyone's attention quickly. With the crew looking at him, Pou gave everyone a section of the ship to clean before breakfast. Nakai and Pou were the largest and strongest crewmates so their job was to check over the machinery on the ship, and make sure everything was greased and working well. As they walked down to the second lower deck Pou couldn't help but ask about Wang Bao.

"Do you and Bao get along? It must've been hard travelling with the Prince of the country you had just gone to war with."

"We don't get along, I'm simply a guide. As for the war it was all a set up."

Nakai found no problem with sharing this with Pou since there was no one for the Giant to tell, and a mutual surrender should have already taken place. Pou was rightfully shocked at the news about the war and couldn't help but ask more.

"What do you mean a set up? Did both Kings plan the war for another reason? Is your Father that type of person?"

"Of course not, the new king of Man Country and I planned the war together as well as a mutual surrender. The full plan was that we would meet up again and set up a treaty, causing a cease fire between both countries but things have obviously gone a little differently."

Pou wanted to know more but Nakai wouldn't say anything and they focused on checking over the machinery that pulled the baskets in.

. . . . . .

In the kitchen both Ma and Lani were watching Wang Bao cook. When Lani had offered to help, Wang Bao thought he meant with the cooking and cleaning, but it turned out that all he wanted to do was watch Wang Bao work. Ma on the other hand only wanted to watch Wang Bao in order to learn from him. The breakfast menu was a simple dish that was another favourite of Wang Bao, and he whisked a large catering bowl with eggs and milk. The sight reminded him of Raia and he wondered where she was and if she was safe. Once we meet again I'll make sure to give her lots of eggs and milk. She'll get plenty of worms as well. All of a sudden Lani's voice disrupted Wang Bao's thoughts.

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