Chapter Eighty Four

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Wang Xei was cheery for the whole walk while Wang Bao was nothing but bitter. He missed Nakai and his Brother as well as Nera, even though he didn't know the man that well. What he missed more though was the island, the freedom of walking around with Nakai and visiting the night market to eat delicious food. Wang Bao was caught up in his memories to try and make his mood happier that he didn't notice Wang Xei had stopped. Wang Bao walked straight into Wang Xei's back, his belly wriggled around warning him to keep an eye on where he was walking.

"We've arrived."

In front of them was a small cabin, it looked almost brand new aside from the few weeds that had started to grow up the sides, Wang Bao felt it was a very pretty home but was too mad at Wang Xei to compliment it and instead turned away.

"I'm hungry and my feet hurt."

Wang Xei opened the door for Wang Bao and took the blankets from him, the inside was plain but neat and he could see there was only one bedroom. As soon as Wang Bao saw the sofa, he made a beeline for it and slumped his tired body down, when he looked down at his feet, he could see they were swollen along with his ankles. Wang Bao sighed because of irritation then brought his feet up, massaging them with light hands since they hurt too much. Wang Xei was busy placing the blankets on the bare bed then put the food away, he only noticed what Wang Bao was doing once he came over to the living room with two plates of food. Wang Xei smacked Wang Bao's hands away before handing him a plate of food and sat on the table in front of him..

"Give me your feet."

"Why should I? knowing you, you'll probably chop them off."

Wang Xei really liked Wang Bao's sharp mouth and he darted forward, pulling both of Wang Bao's feet out from under his butt. His hands moved so fast that Wang Bao was almost pulled off the sofa. Once he was readjusted his mind was only on food, if Wang Xei really did chop his fet off then he wouldn't care since there was food in front of him. Wang Xei started pressing into Wang Bao's feet as soon as Wang Bao shoved the first forkful into his mouth, his smile grew wide once he heard Wang Bao grunt in pain with a full mouth. The sound made him press harder into Wang Bao's arch and he felt Wang Bao try to pull away while groaning louder.

Once Wang Bao was able to swallow his food he used his free foot to kick Wang Xei while shouting at him.

"What sort of massage is this?! Let go if all you're going to do is make it hurt."

"The tension in your feet is hard to get out, I need to press hard."

Wang Bao grumbled to himself but didn't pull away, Wang Xei proceeded with the massage, using a lighter touch to get Wang Bao more comfortable before returning to the intense pinpointed massage. Like before, he waited for Wang Bao to have a full mouth, only Wang Bao almost choked because of how painful it was. Hearing Wang Bao choke then grunt was enough to make Wang Xei hard and he pressed it against Wang Bao's feet. At first Wang Bao had no reaction towards it since he was too busy trying to breathe but once his throat was clear he felt something rubbing against his feet.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Get away from me!"

Wang Bao had never shouted so loud in his life once he saw what Wang Xei was pushing against him, although his voice was loud, it didn't stop Wang Xei, in fact it made him rub harder. Wang Bao tried to kick Wang Xei away from him but with both feet in the man's grasp, his legs were locked in place. Since he couldn't move his feet, Wang Bao threw the plate at Wang Xei's face, the food went everywhere while the plate was caught before it could hit Wang Xei. Using the freedom wisely, Wang Bao stood up from the sofa but his feet were in too much agony to take him anywhere. Before he could catch himself, Wang Bao was falling over his feet straight towards the ground, his belly was about to be the thing to take all the impact, when Wang Xei caught his body by the chest and hips. Wang Xei slowly pulled Wang Bao towards the sofa and sat him back down, although there was food all over his face, he didn't seem angry like Wang Bao had expected, instead Wang Bao was handed the other plate of food while his feet were placed back on Wang Xei's lap.

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