Chapter Sixteen

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While waiting for dinner everyone was scared of what Ma would be serving them, but their noses were pleasantly surprised once they walked into the room. A savoury aroma mixed with a sweet undertone lingered in the dining room. Ma was quickly plating up while the crew all took their seats, Pou was the most surprised since he had suffered the longest and he looked at what Ma was serving. On the large plates were roast meat on top of a bed of pan seared tomatoes, beside the meat was a light salad of strawberries and oranges mixed with fresh leafy greens. Pou almost felt like pinching himself after seeing the beautiful meal and he couldn't stop from asking.

"Ma, where did you learn to cook like this? Have you been reading Wang Bao's books in secret?"

Ma roughly tore her apron off while answering Pou.

"Do I look like I have time to read, I simply watched the boy."

The compliments rained on Ma as everyone ate happily, Lani had also seated himself at the table since Wang Bao was sleeping too heavily to wake for a meal. At the other end of the table, Nakai side-eyed him before he concentrated on his meal. Lani also side-eyed Nakai but his gaze was more obvious thanks to his lingering eyes. To help rub in that Wang Bao was staying in his room Lani spoke up.

"Hopefully you don't mind trading roomies for a night or two, Nakai."

The table chatter quietened down as Lani turned to stare at Nakai, waiting for him to say something but what he heard, he wasn't expecting.

"Your roommate is staying in someone else's room. Also, why should I care where Wang Bao sleeps?"

Everyone sitting at the table aside from Ma looked between both men, unsure of the atmosphere around them. Lani tried to hide his surprise but failed by asking.

"There's nothing between you two?"

Lani gripped his cutlery tightly while waiting for Nakai's answer. At the other end of the table, Nakai slowly cut his meat before answering without a care.

"I'm simply a guide, that's as far as our relationship goes."

Everyone was shocked by Nakai's answer. Ever since the two newbies had entered this ship, everyone thought Nakai and Wang Bao were at least close friends, if not in a relationship. Lani seemed to be the only one who was happy by the answer and carried on eating without starting anything else. Pou also felt the way Nakai answered didn't match the way they interacted with each other, but he stayed quiet and enjoyed the good food. After the meal the crew washed and dried the dishes while others cleaned the kitchen and dining room, Nakai was let off with no work because Ma felt he was still affected from being in the engine room for too long, and sent him to bed. In the room he laid on the large bed, naked once again.

Nakai's eyes were closed but his mind was racing with thoughts. He thought about Nera and Raia, hoping they were well then he thought about his time at the palace in Man country. He wondered what Queen Mother's plan was, and why she would be hiding behind the authority of the King when he wasn't in the palace. Thinking about Queen Mother quickly led him to think about Wang Bao. Nakai thought over the deal they had made and the reasons he had for making such a perverted offer in the first place. If Wang Bao were to know the truth, Nakai knew they would part ways instantly. The thought of separating was tempting toNakai but also made him feel reluctant. All these burdensome thoughts passed through Nakai's mind until he fell asleep.

. . . . . .

The next day Wang Bao stayed in bed as well. The ship had made enough distance between them and Man country for Pou to feel comfortable taking the crew out for a diving lesson. They hadn't made it out to open sea yet and not too far from the ship were shallow reefs, perfect for the first time divers. Nakai had done basic diving training when he first entered into the military, but it had been a while and he was eager to get into the water and work his muscles. Most of the other crewmates were excited as well while a couple were scared. Pou stood on the top deck alongside everyone; tanks along with a clear face cover and wetsuits had been handed out to everyone. After everyone had their suits on, Pou told everyone seriously.

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