Chapter Sixty Nine

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After rolling around with Wang Bao for a few hours, Nakai woke up at dawn more tired than he had been wanting. Usually whenever Nakai woke up, he would be able to get ready for the day within a couple minutes, but with what was ahead of them, he decided to lay beside Wang Bao for a little while. Last night's escapades had caused Wang Bao's long hair to ball up into a bird's nest, and Nakai gently smoothed down the hair the best he could, but Wang Bao started to stir before any real progress could be made. Since Wang Bao was showing signs of waking up, Nakai decided to start getting ready, and he left the room to wash his face. By the time Nakai had dressed himself and woken everyone else, Wang Bao had returned to a deep slumber. Nakai could allow them to dawdle any longer though, and he started smoothening down Wang Bao's wild hair again while coaxing him awake. Because Nakai's approach was too gentle, Wang Bao merely whined that he was tired, then rolled over to start sleeping again. Now Nakai was staring at Wang Bao's naked body, but before trying the harder approach, he started rubbing Wang Bao's cheek while trying to coax him awake again. Once this attempt failed again, Nakai sighed heavily then bent down over Wang Bao's buttocks, opening his mouth Nakai bit into the pale plump flesh until he heard Wang Bao cry out in pain.

Nakai could see Wang Bao was more awake now, and he heard Wang Bao complain about how he was awake, but Nakai already knew this was a lie. Without saying anything, Nakai pulled out some light clothes for Wang Bao to wear, before returning to the bedside. He could see Wang Bao was awake, but refusing to move, and he couldn't stop from sighing again before sitting on the edge of the bed. Since Wang Bao was now sulking, Nakai decided to be a little gentle, and Nakai pulled Wang Bao's legs until his lower half was resting on his lap, before he gently rubbed over the pink bite mark he had left. Almost instantly, Wang Bao relaxed into the bed with a content sigh. When Nakai saw Wang Bao was drifting back to sleep, he quickly stopped being nice, and spanked the bite mark firmly, earning himself another shout of pain. They were dawdling too much now, and Nakai didn't bother to soothe Wang Bao in any way as he grabbed both of their bags, while heading to the door, Nakai said over his shoulder to Wang Bao.

"Hurry up, you won't like it if I need to come back up here."

Despite grumbling to himself, Wang Bao started getting ready. Although it had only felt like a few seconds, he could hear Nakai coming up the stairs, and he jumped to his feet while simultaneously pulling up his shorts. Running out of the room, Wang Bao ran straight into Nakai's chest. Down stairs, Zhang was waiting by the door silently with his bag in his hand, while the rest of the group waited by the stairs. Once Wang Bao finally made it down to the ground level, Wang Bao was pulled into a bear hug by both Luka and Mika. He was sure he would be seeing everyone within a few days at least, but felt grateful for the heartfelt goodbye nonetheless, and he wrapped his arms around both brothers to hold them tightly. Once the trio finally pulled away from each other, both Luka and Mika jumped at Nakai to attack him with a bear hug. Because of Nakai's size, he easily picked them up, and returned their tight hold with his own. In the meantime, Alo came over to Wang Bao and gave him a light hug before asking him quietly to look after Nakai. Hearing this, Wang Bao couldn't help but tighten his hold on Alo for a split second before pulling away. He could see Alo was sad they were leaving without the rest of the group, but respected Nakai too much to go against his decision. After pulling away from Alo, Wang Bao noticed Zhang was standing by the door, he wasn't sure if anyone had hugged him or said goodbye yet, but when he saw Alo walk over and pull him in for a tight brotherly hug, he could see the answer was no.

After Nakai placed Luka and Mika on the ground, he walked over to where Alo and Zhang were as well, squeezing Alo's shoulder firmly before saying.

"Ala shouldn't be too long. You know where to find us once she's arrived."

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