Chapter One Hundred & Five

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With the beginning of a new week, Wang Bao and Nakai were visited by Wang Lei, it seemed the doctor was feeling sour towards Nakai because of his harsh treatment and sent Wang Lei as a messenger. Wang Lei also wanted to come visit on his own free will since he wasn wanting to see how his Brother was coping. When he was granted entry from the other side of the door, Wang Lei was surprised to see Wang Bao had gained a lot of weight in just a week's time. Wang Bao's cheeks were the first thing that had grown in size because of water retention after not eating properly for so long. Wang Lei couldn't help but pinch his Brother's cheeks firmly as he spoke to Nakai.

"You've turned my baby Brother into a fatty."

Wang bao smacked Wang Lei's hands away from his face with a scowl as he spat his words out.

"I'm not fat!"

"I know, I know. I meant it as a compliment though, you look healthy now."

Wang Lei ruffled his Brother's new hair as well, happy to see the change before he got to the doctor's reason for sending him.

"The doctor wanted to see Bao, he wanted to discuss Bao's therapy sessions and if Bao will be continuing with treatment."

Nakai felt sour all of a sudden but kept it hidden from Wang Bao since he didn't want his feelings to determine Wang Bao's decision. Wang Lei could see how stiff Nakai had become though and he waited for Wang Bao's answer.

"I'll go see him then, I don't want to stay in the medical centre though."

Wang Lei fully understood and he left with Wang Bao. In the meantime, Nakai went to see Nera. When he pushed open the door to Wang Lei's living quarters, he could hear Karo and Rara playing loudly while Nera called out to them for breakfast. Nakai stood silently in the doorway watching Nera handle the two rowdy children. Rara and Karo climbed over Nera as they snacked on the food that was cooked for them and Nakai burst into laughter. As soon as Rara and Karo heard Nakai they bolted over to him, their small bodies jumping at him. Nakai carried the two children with him as he sat with Nera, laughing again as he spoke.

"I never took you for the parent type, you have these two boys running all over you."

"You're one to talk, no one would ever dare to think of leaving their children with you."

Karo slid off of Nakai's arm and climbed up onto Nera's thigh to eat his food properly, Rara was the opposite though and continued to sit on Nakai's shoulder so that he could hit Nakai's head and shout at him.

"What took you so long? When can I see Brother?!"

"Stop using my head as a drum. You can see him after his appointment."

Rara stopped hitting Nakai as soon as he heard he could see Wang Bao and started pointing at the food he wanted, Nakai handed Rara food while he talked with Nera about Wang Bao.

"I wanted to know if you think meditation could help Wang Bao keep his mind still."

"Of course, Karo does meditation with me every morning and it's helped him a lot."

Rara raised his hand proudly as well before he whacked Nakai's head again.

"I do it too."

Nera didn't say anything since Rara's form of meditation was rolling around the ground in boredom until Karo was done. Nera started explaining the benefits of meditation that could help Wang Bao and soon Wang Bao and Wang Lei were walking in. As soon as Rara saw Wang Bao he shouted at the top of his lungs.


Nakai put Rara down and the boy sprinted as if his life depended on it, Karo was not far behind and they both jumped at Wang Bao. Unlike Nakai, Wang Bao couldn't carry both boys at the same time but he did crouch down so he could hug them tightly. Rara smooshed Wang Bao's cheeks that were equally as chubby as his and smiled widely. Wang Bao was actually grateful for his water weight after seeing Rara's reaction since he would've scared the child had he visited when he was first released. After the children had had their fill of both Wang Bao and Nakai, they wandered off to play by themselves, leaving the adults to talk. Wang Lei sat beside Nera while Wang Bao took Nakai's lap, lazing against him tiredly. Wang Lei surprisingly started talking about Wang Xei as he picked off of Nera's plate.

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