Chapter Fifty Five

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Although the car hadn't been too damaged when Zhang started driving, after three hours the gears started to stick, causing a loud grinding sound to come from the gearbox. Had they been in a city or close to any sign of civilization, Zhang would have pulled over and stolen another vehicle, but he had taken the back roads, and could only continue driving at a constant speed to change gears as little as possible. Speeding through the dark roads, Zhang was able to push the car to its absolute limits for five more hours, until a loud bang came from the engine. Zhang didn't know what the loud bang was, but he could feel the speed of the car decelerating despite his foot pushing against the pedal. Zhang could have pulled the car over immediately, but he decided to let the vehicle coast until it was absolutely necessary to stop. After a couple of kilometres, Zhang was forced to finally pull over, and once the car was parked safely on the side of the road, Nakai spoke up from the backseat

"You know, for once I would like to have it easy. Just one day where everything goes to plan."

Zhang agreed before letting out a long sigh. There was no point in keeping the car running, and after Zhang removed the keys from the ignition, he threw them onto the floor by his feet. Before they could start hitting the road by foot, Zhang pulled out his phone to check the map again, hoping to find a nearby town they could walk to quickly. However, when he looked at his screen, his face fell from the long highlighted line on the map. Without saying the number of kilometres they would need to walk, Zhang said in a dull voice.

"We still have a long way to go until the next town."

Nakai let out a long groan as he felt his body cramp up from the small space, but he didn't linger too long on trying to make himself comfortable, and he replied to Zhang after sighing.

"Well let's get out and hit the road, maybe we'll be lucky enough to find another vehicle on the way."

Zhang stepped out of the car first while Nakai woke Luka up. After stepping out of the car, Zhang helped Luka with his bag straps around his waist, as he was still half asleep. The sky was only beginning to lighten as they walked along the baron road silently; because of Luka's sleepiness, both Zhang and Nakai held onto his small hands while they walked, until he had woken up enough to walk properly. Luka had been enjoying the amount of times Zhang and Nakai had been holding his hands, since it gave him some much needed comfort; when he felt Zhang pull his hand away, followed by Nakai, Luka couldn't help but frown. All Luka wanted to do was reach out and hold Zhang's hand, but he wasn't sure if it would make him uncomfortable, instead, Luka grabbed onto Nakai's large hand firmly with a wide smile on his face. Looking down at Luka, Nakai could see how happy he was, and he squeezed Luka's hand before saying.

"When we get to the next town, we'll get something to eat first."

. . . . . . .

When Wang Bao woke up, the only thing he could feel was a heavy thumping in his head. The memory of the three men taking them came a few seconds later, and Wang Bao tried to force himself up, but the painful headache caused him to fall back. Once on his back again, Wang Bao forced his eyes open, and found he was lying on a small bed with Mika asleep beside him. Although keeping his eyes open was making his headache worse, Wang Bao wanted to see where they had been taken, as well as find a way to get back to the forest to find Alo. Forcing his body back up, Wang Bao looked around with his aching eyes and saw they were in a simple room with wooden floors and plastered walls. The bed Wang Bao and Mika were squished on was along the back wall with a small window, but when Wang Bao tried to look outside, the bright light hurt his eyes too much, and he could only continue to look around the small room. Aside from the bed, there was one large dresser and nothing else. Seeing the lack of items in the room, Wang Bao knew they could only rely on his strength to get them out, but before he could come up with a plan of attack, Wang Bao felt Mika begin to stir beside him. Like Wang Bao, Mika's head was thumping and he couldn't open his eyes because of the pain. Wang Bao didn't want Mika to make too much noise since he didn't know where their captures were, and he slowly laid down on the bed while comforting Mika softly.

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