Chapter Sixty Eight

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At first Wang Bao hesitated because of how weird he found this, but as soon as he saw the cream begin to stick to the waistband of Nakai's pants, he couldn't stop from swiping his finger across the white stream before sucking on his finger. However, when Wang Bao went to swipe another finger full of cream from Nakai's chest, his wrists were swiftly held up by Nakai, and Wang Bao heard Nakai say in a low voice.

"Use your mouth not your fingers."

To make sure Wang Bao did as he was asked, Nakai refused to let go of his wrists until he started licking. Had Wang Bao not wanted to continue, Nakai would have walked straight to the bathroom to wash himself, since the cream was beginning to turn sticky from melting and running down his front. With his hands free, and Wang Bao slowly licking his chest, Nakai leaned against the kitchen counter with a relaxed demeanour, watching Wang Bao work quietly. Every now and then he could feel Wang Bao bite down on his skin, as if he was punishing him for not feeding him properly, but this behaviour was only turning Nakai on more. Once the cream was gone, Wang Bao stepped back and wiped his dirty chin with the back of his hand, before grabbing the half empty can from the bench. Before Nakai could stop him, Wang Bao leaned his head back and filled his mouth with the sweet cream, but before he could properly swallow, Wang Bao felt Nakai grab him by his waist, and push his thick tongue into his open mouth. Cream and saliva leaked from the gaps in their kiss, dirtying both of their skin and clothes as they continued to kiss hungrily. Before Wang Bao could start choking on the melting cream in his mouth, Nakai suddenly let him go, and walked to the dining table with the can of cream in his hand.

The lustful kiss had left Wang Bao dazed and breathless, and he followed Nakai to the table without any thought until he saw Nakai unzip the front of his pants. Once Nakai was seated, Wang Bao watched in silence as Nakai pulled his half hard shaft out, and sprayed the last of the cream along it. Although Wang Bao was feeling heated as well, he hid it by forcing a dark expression on his face while saying.

"You're only getting a blow job, nothing more."

Nakai shrugged as if he didn't expect anything more, but Wang Bao could see how bright his green eyes had become, causing his loins to flutter with butterflies. Before the cream could start melting like it had on Nakai's chest, Wang Bao knelt down quickly and slurped along Nakai's wet shaft. As soon as his lips connected with the soft skin, he could feel Nakai's shaft thicken and stretch. Although Wang Bao had been messy when eating before, he threw all caution to the wind as he rubbed his face against Nakai's thickening shaft. It wasn't long before his entire face was left creamy and sticking, giving off the image of having already been coated in Nakai's icing. From above, Nakai leaned back in his chair with a sense of satisfaction; he was far from cumming, but seeing how into it Wang Bao was, made Nakai burn with a hungry desire, and he had to force himself to not bend Wang Bao over the table and take him.

This had been Nakai's intention, but he suddenly saw Wang Bao push his hand through the waistband of his pants in order to play with himself. He could see Wang Bao's tough exterior from before had crumbled, as he leaned fully into wanting pleasure. With his foot, Nakai pressed against the lump in Wang Bao's pants that was formed by his hand, keeping a firm pressure once he heard Wang Bao groan against his shaft. While pulling his fully erect cock away from Wang Bao's dirty face, Nakai said.

"I thought you only wanted to give me a blow job. I'm not even close to cumming, yet you're playing with yourself with such greed."

Before Wang Bao could say anything against Nakai's words, he felt Nakai's foot begin to rub against his hand and crotch. The pressure and movement was barely enough to give him any sort of pleasure, and he took it upon himself to start humping Nakai's foot harder; panting loudly as he jerked his hips quickly. Just when Wang Bao was beginning to feel the usual wave of pleasure build up inside of him, he felt Nakai pick him up from under his arms, and lay him on top of the table. Instead of touching him, Nakai got up from the table and walked to the kitchen, while saying to Wang Bao.

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