#13 (PART 1)

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Taehyung saw the article already about Yoongi and IU's dating rumor. It wasn't true and Yoongi made it clear on the article, now that Taehyung is thinking about what happened between Yoongi and his best friend, he wants to know Yoongi's side of the story. Maybe Yoongi's not busy now because he just released a song an hour ago and Jungkook won't stop talking about it.

Sooo...Why didn't Yoongi say anything about Jimin's vlogs if he already knew about it?

That's why he's here today infront of Yoongi's house, shared house actually, then he'll ask Seokjin to bake something for him later.

Taehyung knocked on the house's door, it was Namjoon who opened it. Taehyung's familiar with the guy but they're not really close, still he'll call him hyung.

"Is Yoongi hyung here today?" He politely asked. Namjoon just nodded and told him to come in.

"He's in his room upstairs."

"Thank you..."

Taehyung ran upstairs and he already knew where Yoongi's room is because Seokjin once invited him and Jungkook to taste some baked goods.

He did not bother to knock, he just opens the door and enters the room and there is Yoongi sitting on the bed staring at his phone.

"Wanna call Jimin?" He asked, startling the other.

Yoongi sighed and nodded.

"I badly want to call him. I'm just afraid he'll reject my call."

Taehyung snorts and thinks...

That guy's too whipped for you.

"His phone's off. He told me not to contact him for the mean time too..."

Yoongi smiled sadly.

"I really fucked up." He said.

Taehyung took Yoongi's chair in front of his desk and took a seat near Yoongi.

"Hyung, can I ask why... you didn't tell him you knew about his vlogs? Because Jimin really thought you won't be able to find it. It sounds dumb right, but yeah, he really thought no one in his circle of friends would find it. "

"I didn't tell him because I know he didn't want me to know and I'm kinda waiting for him to tell me about it... so I just get along with it. When I saw the video for the first time I thought he was dating someone else... I was so confident that he likes me so I'm waiting for him to tell me that so I was a little sad when I saw the title of the video..."

"You didn't realize ot was you?!"

"I realized it after I heared my own voice..." Yoongi answered.

Taehyung gave him a judgemental look and Yoongi just laughed at him.

"I know... it's dumb but I felt relieved when I realized it was me then I looked forward to everytime he calls me to go and check some cafes with him. I knew he's making those videos that's why I'm enjoying it too."

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