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Jimin double checked his duffle bag before leaving his apartment. His daily routine every saturday because saturday is Dance Day, according to him and Jung Hoseok. It also mean it's their collaboration day with their vlogs. They became friends after Hoseok contacted him and said he saw his dancing tutorials on youtube after that they just clicked. They both love dancing and their fans support their collaboration so much.

Hoseok have his own Dance Studio named 'Hope World' which is his name on youtube too and Jimin sometimes helps Hoseok on teaching his students.

After wearing his shoes and locking his apartment's door, Jimin was ready to go when he felt his phone vibrated inside his jean's pocket. He thought it was Hoseok at first, maybe he's gonna ask him what time he will be arriving but the sudden increase of the rate of his heartbeat tells him otherwise.

Why is Yoongi hyung calling? He asked himself, feeling really nervous and his heart won't calm the fuck down. Call him dramatic but he can't act calmly in a situation like this. What if Yoongi finds out about his vlogs? Is he mad? And Yoongi calling him first is really a miracle. It was always him who calls first. Yoongi prefer texting because he once said it's tiring to talk on the phone but now what?

With his slightly trembling hands, Jimin tapped the answer button and put his phone on his left ear.

"H-Hyung..." Jimin calm down!

"Are you okay, Jiminie? Are you sick?" Jimin's face heat up after hearing his hyung's raspy bedroom voice. It's obvious that the other just woke up but the thought that his hyung is calling him after waking up is enough for Jimin to be in seventh heaven but he's still nervous.

"Yep. I'm okay, it's just... I'm not used to you calling me first." He heard a low chuckle from the other line and hearing it like this, Jimin will absolutely lose his sanity. How can you calm down after hearing that sexy chuckle from your long time crush?! How? Jimin didn't know how so the best way he thought of is to bite his lower lip and hold his bag tighter. Poor bag.

"Jin woke me up and asked me to call you. He's gonna cook dinner later, he wants you to come." So it's Kim Seokjin. Thank you Kim Seokjin. He is Yoongi's housemate with Kim Namjoon, another producer from Big Hit. Jimin is close to Jin but not that much to Namjoon because Namjoon's always out when he's there. Seokjin likes feeding Jimin and Jimin can't say no. The food he cooked was always delicious and it's not good to refuse someone so kind that gives you feee food.

"I'll be in Hobi hyung's studio until 4p.m today but I'll go straight to your place later before dinner. Don't worry I'll be on time." Jimin said. He did not hear any response from his hyung after instead he heard some shufffling noises. Sounds like Yoongi is getting up from his bed.

"Jimin, wait... I'm just gonna wear my shirt."

Jimin gasped. Yes, he's dramatic but the imagery! Right now he's imagining Yoongi wearing his shirt with his messy hair and ㅡ


"HYUNG!"  Jimin mentally slapped himself for shouting on the phone. That was just so stupid. He's too caught up in his imagination about Yoongi wearing his shirt and didn't even notice the other's already back in the other line.

"Okay, that hurts my ear a littleㅡ by the way, Is Hope World the name of the studio?"  Jimin nodded and realized how dumb it is after not hearing any response from the other line. He laughed at himself and answered yes.

"Okay. Take care. Be home before dinner."

Jimin ended the call with a sigh of relief and thank everything that he see even the flower on the pot. He thought he got caught already!

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