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"So, we're finally getting to meet this Min Yoongi today?"

Jimin almost choked on his breakfast after hearing what his grandma said. Ji Hyun is laughing while giving him a glass of water and he took it while glaring at the younger.

"Ma, let him eat his breakfast in peace first." His mom said but his grandma doesn't feel like giving him peace.

"What's wrong? If this Min Yoongi is brave enough to come here then Jimin should be brave enough to introduce the guy to us."

"Grandma!~" Jimin whined but the old lady ignored him.

"What time is he coming?" His grandma asked his brother. Jihyun shrugged his shoulder " We don't know, maybe later or tomorrow?"

"It's a surprise visit then?" Jimin just nodded and continues eating his food, hiding his face from his family. He's red as tomato and he feels so emabrassed at the moment.

"I hope it is today tho..." His grandma whispered but they still heard it. Jimin's parents just chuckled.

It feels so nice to be this open in front of your family, Jimin likes it and dislikes it at the same time because he feels like they're teasing him every time they say something about Min Yoongi.

His grandma told him earlier that Jihyun showed her Yoongi's works and some pictures and one thing Jimin felt so happy about is when his grandma said...

"This boy is so passionate, it reflects on his works."

A compliment to Yoongi feels like a compliment to Jimin too. That's whipped culture 😩👌.

"Why are you so excited to meet him?" Jimin asked.

His grandma took a sip on her tea and said "I wanna know who's the guy behind your broken heart. I wanna ask him a lot of questions about you and maybe thank him too? Because of him you came home."

I'm the one who broke my own heart tho.

"And I ordered lots of food for today so he better come today." His grandma added.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Your grandma called for delivery yesterday and it will be delivered today. She's so sure that Min Yoongi will come today." It was his father who answered.

"I just told her that your boyfriend might come today and she got all excited and mom, you're in this too..." Jihyun said.

Their mother just laughed and shook her head.

"It will be a waste of food if he doesn't come."

"Oh trust me, he will. I can feel it. I'm old but my I can feel it just right."

After his grandma said those words, the doorbell rings and Jimin's heart forgets what calm down mean.

Ji hyun looked at him with a teasing smile and he can't help blusing, slapping his brother's face.

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