Chapter 18

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As soon as we step in you can already see all the people dancing and walking around. There are servers walking back and forth with drinks.

Bucky and I start heading to the bar and I remember to turn my camera from my necklace on before sitting down. We ordered a couple of drinks and began to have small talk as we scanned the room for anyone suspicious.

Our drinks arrived and Bucky thanked the bartender. All of a sudden I heard a voice in my ears just speak up.

"Hey how are you guys doing?" Asked Sam.

"We're doing fine so far," I say quietly casually looking around before taking a sip of my drink.

"Bucky you see anything?" Steve voice asks through the ear piece.

"Nope not yet,"he says before also taking a sip of his drink.

"Alright we'll just keep your eyes out, Sam should be heading there right now as well as Natasha."

"Alright," I say looking at Bucky and smiling.

I'm already on edge, I hope no one realizes we aren't talking to each other. Oh god I probably sound like such a newbie at this.

I feel a hand on top of mine and I look up at Bucky who is holding mine but not looking at me.

He takes a sip of his drink before turning to look at me. "Relax,"he says holding my hand smiling and rubbing his finder back and forth in a comforting manner like he did the other night when we were talking on the balcony.

"Yeah okay," I simply say before downing my drink and calling the bartender over for another one.

"Don't drink too much Darling," Bucky says with a smile trying to seem as casual. "We are on a mission after all," he say this time more quietly towards me only.

"So! I haven't seen you birds around here before," the bartender says walking up to us making conversation. He looked old like he was in his mid to late thirty's. He had short brown hair and he wasn't very tall.

"Yea well we just moved here from Michigan," Bucky says with a smile.

"Oh really? And where are you lots from?" He asks both of us.

"Well I'm from Chicago and I moved to Michigan to study abroad and I ended meeting Mathew here while I was in college," I say grabbing a hold of his bicep and smiling at him.

"That's sweet. Well what brought you here?" He asks turning his attention to the drinks he was making while listening to us.

"Well I was working for my father, he was CEO of Carl's Motors. You heard of it?" Bucky asks.

"Can't say I have," he says.

"Ah it's fine, he wanted me to step in his place but it just wasn't for me so I ended up going to college to study and become a lawyer and that's what I did and along the way I met my beautiful Rebecca here and fell in love," he says pulling his arm over my shoulder and smiling at me.

Wow he's really good at this.

"Yup, then after that we decided to get married after Mathew passed his bar exam and finally got a job at a private law firm,"I say scooting closer to Bucky.

"Oh wow, that must've taken a long time and you got married?"

"Yep it was very touch and go for our relationship but we made it work. When we decided to get married we didn't really want to have a big wedding and we didn't really have the money for it so we got eloped," I say in a cheery voice.

"Wow," he laughs. "I could never make some shit like that work with a gal," he says shaking his head. "So how'd you end up here," he asks again towards Bucky.

You're My Home // Bucky Barnes// The Winter Soldier Where stories live. Discover now