Chapter 49

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I remember being hauled out of there trying to make sense of what was happening.

Was the mission a success?

I kept drifting into darkness and come back.

I can hear a worried set of voices but the one that stands out the most is from the person carrying me.


"Jane! Jane come on..."

He was pulling me from the scene getting me to safety.

I was able to open my eyes for a second and lock eyes with his blue ones. I turned to see a crowd of all the people we were saving watching this interaction. They looked terrified as they look at me and back at Bucky.

"What the hell happened?!"

"Is she okay?"

"Jane can you hear me?"

I hear shouts from all around but I don't see anyone near. I finally relax as I see the survivors well and alive. I let the darkness engulf me as I lay my head back down on the pavement I'm on.


I woke to intense pain shooting all through my body.
It felt like my hole body was dragged around the hard ground and beat to a pulp.
I start to open my eyes slowly and see people standing watching me. I'm blinded by the bright white lights above from us. As I blink them rapidly and start to adjust to the light I notice who's here.

It's Tony and Bruce.

I take in my surroundings and notice I'm in the infirmary.

I try to get up and Tony pushes me back softly.

"Woah woah. Easy, you need to rest."

"W-What happened?"

I start to worry noticing how Bucky isn't here and how I'm in the infirmary. What happened?

"The mission was successful don't worry."

"I know. What happened to me?" I clarified.

I hear him sigh. "Can we just talk about this later? Just rest for a while more and I'll talk to you later J."

"Don't worry Jane you're gonna be fine," I hear Bruce say from across the room but I'm to tired to even try to turn and look.

I instantly remembered what happened with Bucky and shot up on the bed which I immediately regretted as I felt the pain wash over me completely.

"What happened to Bucky?"

"Super soldier? He's fine don't worry about it," he says getting up and patting me lightly on my shoulder. He's trying his best to get me to sleep but I think I've slept enough.

"No-No I-I remembered he saved me."
The problem is I can't remember what happened to him, all I remember is how everyone watched us looking petrified and it made me worry that he had gotten hurt without me realizing due to my blackout.

I start to remember little bits and pieces of what happened slowly as the memory's start to fall back into place.

"He's fine see," he says as I turn to look outside of the room you can see through the glass he's sitting on a chair slumped asleep.
"I insisted that you'd be fine and he should at least change but he's stubborn as hell. Kinda like someone I know," he says looking back at me with a smile.

I roll my eyes at his comment but in a weird way loved that I was compared to him. Seeing him okay though brought a huge wave of relief over me.

"How long have I been out?"

"Most of the day now. It's almost dinner time," Tony says with a sincere smile.

I laughed and he sat back down on the chair he was sitting from next to my bed.

"Are you hungry?"

"A little," I admit. I mean I haven't really ate since the morning. I didn't even get to finish my breakfast since we had to suit up quickly.

"Alright I'll be back with something," he says softly kissing my head before heading out to fetch me dinner apparently.

" bad is it?" I ask Bruce now that I'm sat up on my bed and we're alone. I press the button to elevate the bed so I don't have to sit up in pain.

He hesitates for a second before finally telling me. "Nothing to bad but you did break your leg."

"What?" I panicked a bit.

"The beam that fell on you was really weighing on your leg and broke it evidently," he says with a sad expression.

I sigh in frustration.


"So..that means after tomorrow once I've done another full check up and see that there's nothing else wrong with you like a head injury just in case, you're free to go. Of course you would need to have a cast and use crutches for a while And no missions for a long time."

I whine in frustration.

"This was like my second actual mission and now you're telling me I can't go on any at all for who knows how long?"

"Sorry kid. We have a wheelchair if you don't want to be walking around, but don't worry hopefully since it's not too bad you'll only be like this for a couple weeks."

"I don't want a wheelchair Bruce," I say glaring at him. That's not helping my state right now.

" was just a suggestion."

Tony comes in shortly after with a plate of dinner.

"I'll leave you guys alone, you're fine for now Jane," Bruce says with a smile getting up to head out.

"Can you tell the others I'm fine?" I told him remembering how worried they all sounded.

"Of course," he says before leaving.

I look out to see Bucky still asleep slumped over on his chair. I kinda feel bad, for the sake of the pain his neck is probably going to be in after that position.

I thought about asking Tony to let him sleep on one of the beds in here but decided not to knowing that Tony wouldn't want him in here with us. Plus if I know Bucky he's going to be worried for me and not sleep at all after that.

"Anything you want to tell me there?" He asks noticing me concerned look as I was watching Bucky.

"What?" I say with a hitch in my throat.

"Well you've been pretty concerned for him rather than yourself. I know how much you seem to care about him but it just seems like.." he says hesitating picking at his food he also had brought for himself.

"What? Bucky is my friend Tony, he's like my best friend is all," I say loathing myself for calling him a friend. I really wish I could tell Tony but I don't want to ruin how good we have it right now.

He looks at me searching my face as if there's a lie hidden somewhere beneath this facade I've been portraying.

"Alright," he simply says still looking almost guilty. I'm not sure why it seems that way though but we continue to just talk about random stuff because he refused to talk about the mission as to not upset me and of course to avoid telling me about my leg which I was well aware of now, but he doesn't know that.

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