Chapter 47

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This morning I went to find Tony to talk to him about the dinner and about Bucky being on the next mission.

"Tony?" I ask knocking on the conference door.

"Come in."

"Hey," I say closing the door.

"What's up?" He says looking up from his tablet he had in his hands.

"Well you know how I started seeing Cole a while ago?"


"Well he wants to have dinner with us to get to know everyone on the team. I think it would be nice for you all to get to know him."

"Dinner? Didn't we get to know him at your party initiation thing."

"No- I mean not really he didn't even talk to you. Come on I think it will be a great idea and I want you to get to know him."

I was really getting good at selling our 'relationship'.
This was for the sake of being free from the relationship though. If Steve is on board with my idea that is, which is why I need to talk to him right after.

"Fine we can have it but I'm not sure when, I'll let you know once I tell the whole team because I'm pretty busy," he says giving in with a sigh.

"When are you not busy," I say rolling my eyes.

"Don't push it."

"Mmm it may be too late for that," I say cautiously.

"Why?" He says asking in a warning tone.

"Well I also wanted to ask you about Bucky being on the team. Have you thought about it?"

"Yes I have," he says plainly not looking at me anymore but rather his tablet.


"And...," he says looking up at me hesitantly. "He can be on the team."

"Oh my god really?!" I ask ecstatically.

"Yes, but remember that thing I told you I wanted to talk to you about when I left for my mission like three weeks ago?"


"Well I need to talk to you about that soon just fyi."

"Is it-is it about Bucky?"

He just looks at me hesitantly.

"Just don't forget, because I already did and I need to talk to you about this soon."

"Okay.." I say heading out.

I wondered what he needed to talk to me about. He keeps making it seem like it's about Bucky, and by the sound of it; it doesn't sound good. I wondered yet again if I should ask Bucky but I'm not sure he would even know what Tony is talking about.

I went all around the tower to try and find Steve when he was with Bucky in his room.
When I walked in the door was open slightly and they looked very serious.


"Hey Jane," Steve says smiling.

I notice how tense and serious Bucky was as well as Steve before he smiled at me.

"What's up?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something. Am I interrupting?"

"No I was just leaving," Bucky says looking at him seriously for a second before getting up.

He walked out giving me a smile.
I wanted to go after him and ask him what was wrong but I couldn't do that. I'll probably go to him later and ask him what's wrong and hopefully he'll tell me.

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