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3rd person view:
Right after the battle of Mount Thranduil

3rd person view:Right after the battle of Mount Thranduil

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sent Legolas

to find a son Arathorn - Aragorn

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to find a son Arathorn - Aragorn.

The only thing Legolas knew about him was that in the wilderness he was called a pedestrian

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The only thing Legolas knew about him was that in the wilderness he was called a pedestrian.

Two months later:
After a two-month search and exploration of the Mediterranean, Legolas found a group of Frontiersmen (in the north). Where was the daughter of Arathorn Arapoosh [Arapush]

 Where was the daughter of Arathorn Arapoosh [Arapush]

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but a pedestrian nowhere. And so Legolas went on. He always wandered in a hood so that no one would know he was an elf, so everyone considered him a normal human.
He wandered all day until he finally found the village of Bree, where the In Prencing pony inn was located.

When you ordered Legolas, he saw a man in a black hood in the corner.
He stared at him for a very long time
(may too long) before he recognized Arathorn's son in him.

Immediately after he finished eating and paying, he indicated to Aragorn (he had learned his name from Arapooshy) that he needed to talk to him (of course, he indicated so that no one else would know).

After about 10 minutes of waiting in front of the inn, Aragorn came after him.
,, I am Legolas of the Forest Empire. My father Thranduil sent me to look for you." The Legolas conversation began.
,, I am Aragorn's son of Arathorn, but you probably know that.  Why should you have found me? " Legolas didn't really know the answer to that question either.
,, I don't know ... but I was told your father was a good man, and you could be." Legolas actually replied.
,, So you're an elf?" Aragorn asked out of nowhere.
" It will be so," Legolas replied, exposing the hood to the truth of his words so that his pointed ears could be seen. ,, And also the Prince of the Dark Forest."
,, I am honored by Your Highness," Aragorn said quite frankly, but Legolas just rolled his eyes because he hated etiquette.
,, And I thought that if you and I were princes, we could hang out.  Your Highnesses. "{He said your Highnesses only provocatively. The author's note.}

This concludes my first chapter. I will be very happy for any feedback. If you find any errors, I will be happy to correct them.

Aralas (Aragorn + Legolas) or 2 related soulsWhere stories live. Discover now