42. The Second Coronation and the Way Back.

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This chapter has 475 words.

View of Aragorn:
I was afraid of what he would answer. He was silent for a moment, but then he smiled and said.
"I think that would work," he said with a smile and hugged me.
"When will he have the coronation?" My beloved king asked me.
"I probably don't know in three days." I replied uncertainly.
"So if you don't mind, I'd love to stay here," Legolas said with a smirk.
"I would be honored by Your Highness," I said with a smirk, too, and kissed him.
"How are you going to tell Éowyn?" Lassie asked me.
"Probably today, maybe it won't be that hard again when he already knows about us. ”I said a little shyly again.
"How did she react to that?" Legolas asked me.
"She didn't mind very much. On the contrary, she was happy, she said she always thought I loved you, she just thought I didn't tell you. So she was glad we were together.” I said with a smile as I remembered.

3rd person view:
It was coronation day and both kings were happy. Because they will be able to be together.

Legolas View:
After the coronation, I was probably the happiest elf. I will finally be able to wake up next to Aragorn.
,, You are looking forward? Your Highness, "Aragorn told me with some amusement.
"Do you mean when I'm in the Green Forest?" I asked.
"Yes. That's exactly what I meant," Aragorn said with a smile.

We were already ready in the morning. Before we left, we said goodbye to everyone. A few people looked a little suspicious, or wondered why Aragorn was going to the Green Forest.

We arrived sometime after 3. I immediately went to give Aragorn a room. He had it next to mine.

The rest of the day I dealt with various papers. I didn't see Aragorn until dinner.

"How do you like it here?" I asked Aragorn when we left dinner.
"I definitely like it more than when I was here for the first time," Aragorn told me with a smile.
"Because I can be here with you," he said, kissing me.
"When was the last time you were here?" I asked Aragorn.
"Before we met, Gandalf and I were looking for Glum. That was the first time I saw your father." I felt sad and sad again at the memory. But I only met you in Hurka. And I'm very happy for that. " Aragorn told me still smiling.
"Believe me, too," I said with a smile.

After about 5 minutes we reached Aragorn's room. I was so happy to be with Aragorn and (almost) nothing prevents us from doing that.
We talked for about 2 hours and then I fell asleep in Aragorn's embrace.

I could write it in the next chapter. 😘😝

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