21. Tears, Hugs and Death

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Legolas View:
As Gandalf said, so did we. We ran about 50 meters when at least 200 orcs appeared behind us. Then they began to climb out of the holes in the ground and down from the ceiling. After a very short time, we were already surrounded. There were at least 100,000 goblins around us and only 9 of us, not even the best ones. Surrounded with death in our eyes, we stood there for a maximum of 1 minute. When a light appeared in one of the many entrances. All the goblins began to run and climb back. I knew that didn't mean anything good, unlike Gimli, because he started laughing. Since I didn't think so, I drew a bow with an arrow and was ready to shoot at any time. A few seconds later, Boromir whispered in Gandalf's ear:
"What the hell is this?" I didn't know that either, and it scared me.
After a moment's thought, Gandalf replied:
,, Balrog,

After a moment's thought, Gandalf replied:,, Balrog,

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a demon from the ancient world.  We're not good enough for that." Now I knew who it was, and I honestly felt a chill running down my spine.
"Quick!" Gandalf shouted at us. And we did. We all ran as if we were about life, and we did. Gandalf and Aragorn were waiting for everyone to run out. So the first was Boromir and I was right away.  behind him.

View of Aragorn:
When I finished the others, I saw something I didn't need to see.  Boromir lay on Legolas.  At first I was upset, but then I was more worried if something had happened to my elf.  Fortunately not.
Then I addressed Gandalf:
"The Aragorn is still there, the bridge is close." I didn't listen to him and I wanted to go after Marlog, but Gandalf pushed me in. First I looked at him with the face you said you pushed into me? But then he started again  angrily Gandalf
"Do what I say, swords won't help here" After this sentence, we all set off in the direction of the Kazad-dům bridge. After almost 20 seconds, we ran into a minor problem. A piece of stairs was missing.

Legolas View:
I jumped first.  Then I pushed Gandalf.
"Gandalf!" Then Gandalf jumped. But then someone shot an arrow in front of Merry Boromir and Pippin's feet. Immediately, more and more arrows started flying. So Aragorn and I took a bow again and shot them at orcs. Then Boromir took Laugh and Pippin and jumped in. He just made it, because as soon as he jumped, another piece of stairs fell, and it was Sam's turn, which Aragorn threw, and then he wanted to throw Gimli, but he resisted.
"No one will roll the dwarf." So Gimli jumped, jumped very tightly, so I grabbed him by the beard.
"Not by the beard!" Even against his protests, I pulled him up (by the beard) up. Then another piece of stairs fell again. Only Aragorn and Frodo were there.

View of Aragorn:
"Wait," I said to Frodo. Then a piece of the ceiling fell down the stairs behind us. And something occurred to me.

Legolas View:
Now I was more worried about Aragorn than ever. All they had to do was move badly once, and both Aragorn and Frodo would be dead. Only the imagination brought tears to my eyes. I knew exactly what Aragorn was up to.  And so far he has succeeded.

View of Aragorn:
When I looked everyone in the eye, I saw them there - fear, sadness, but also hope.  Anyway, I was most interested in Legolas' eyes. It seemed to me as if I saw tears, sorrow and sadness in them, yet there was also hope, utterance, and ...
A shiver from the stairs tore me from my thoughts, and at that moment I commanded.
"Forward." It worked out for me, and this time I fell into the arms of my beloved elf. It was the first time we hugged. It was a short hug, but still beautiful. I'd love to hug like that for hours, because we  we all saw it so we disconnected very quickly, then we ran to the bridge again, so when we were with him Gandalf ordered
"Across the bridge." Gandalf stopped for a moment, I don't know why, after about 5 seconds we ran again. We were all on the other side except Gandalf. He stopped somewhere in the first period.
"You can't pass," Gandalf called to Barlog.
"Gandalf" Frodo called it this time.
"I serve the Secret Fire, I control the flame of Anora. The dark fire will not help you, the flames of Udun.  Go back to the Shadows. '' After this sentence, Barlog stepped one "foot" onto the bridge
"You won't come any further," Gandalf shouted and slammed his bare into the bridge. As Barlog tried to keep going, he fell behind. Gandalf followed us, but Barlog pulled him behind him with his whip, fortunately catching his fingertips. Frodo called again.
"Go fools!" That was the last thing he said before Gandalf let go and fell into the shadows.

Another slightly longer chapter 🤭😝😘.

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