7. The first suffering

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This chapter has 538 words.

3rd person view:
The princes just talked all day.  Aragorn learned something about the Green / Dark Forest where Legolas grew up and Legolas something about the border guards in the north and Arapoosh. That's what they talked about all day. When it was dark, they said good night and they both went to bed. This time, Legolas had no urge to kiss the other prince, and Aragorn feared the elf would change his mind.  And so nothing happened tonight.

In the morning (for a change) Aragorn woke up first. While Lassie slept, Aragorn prepared everything for the trip to the Rivendell. After almost an hour and a half, the elf woke up and you also started packing things for the trip.

View of Aragorn:
"I've already packed, you should move!" I said provocatively.
"If you woke me up sooner, you wouldn't have to wait for me now!" I just rolled my eyes at it, but he was right. But I enjoyed watching him move gracefully.
"So I've packed, too," Legolas told me triumphantly.
"So can we go now?  "
I asked Legolas. I know it's a bit of a rhetorical question. The answer was given to me only by a nod and a small smile, but it was enough for me.

3rd person view:
They had been wandering for almost six hours, when suddenly something or rather someone shot Legolas's horses in the leg.  The horse did not keep his balance and fell on Legolas.

Legolas View:
The moment my horse fell on me, I (probably) broke one leg.
"Aragorn, Aragorn!" I shouted at Aragorn, who came with his horse after a while.
"What happened here, I'll leave you alone for a while and you'll fall off your horse," Aragorn said with a smile but worried.
"I didn't fall off the horse, someone shot him," I pointed to an arrow with the horse stuck in his leg.
"I think it's an orc arrow."
"Yes, probably, but I don't see any orcs."
"Attention!" Fortunately, Aragorn managed to dodge.
"We have to get out of here," Aragorn said firmly, and I could do no more than agree.
"Yeah, you're right, but I probably broke my leg," I said sadly.
"Okay, I have to get you out of your horse's grip first." As Aragorn said, so he did, after a moment of suffering.
,,What now?  We only have one horse! "

View of Aragorn:
Now my stomach clenched more than before any battle because ...
"Hello, Aragorn, what are we going to do? We only have one horse and I probably have a broken leg! "
"We have no choice but to ... ride with me on one horse.
We'll be faster on one horse, so we'll be in the Gorge sooner, healers will take care of you there. "Legolas looked at me a little strangely at first, and then it came out:
"I guess you're right, but you're going to have to help me sit down. I can't do it alone." I just covered my head in silent consent. After another 3 hours we arrived in Rivendell.

So, do you think Legolas will heal? And will Aragorn return Arwen's necklace, or did he just say that to calm Legolas?

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