Chapter 1: Un-fateful Encounter

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One moment, you're close friends. And before you know it, you're not anymore. After all the times you've spent together, watching the city lights from the top of a hill, everything, just gone. Ended.

What's the deal with all this drama crap, you say? It's reality. There's no such thing as happiness, nothing at the end of the rainbow. All things lead to sadness and sorrow.

You can do it. Just talk to him. He seems friendly.

Little did I know that these thoughts would send me straight to my doom.

Unfortunately, I was elected as president of the class and being friendly is one of the job's unspoken rules.

On the bright side, my class was a gold mine, with so many intelligent and talented students.

Nah, I don't need to talk to everybody. We still have about 10 months to get to know each other anyway.

Yeah, as if I needed 10 months to get to know somebody.

I hope y'all are confused, because I definitely was. This "he" person is the one who caused all this drama crap. Why? Here's why: He; is; STUPID. Still doesn't make sense? Of course it doesn't. Nothing ever made sense, how much more with him around? Ugh.


"... and that concludes our class. Does anyone have any questions?" Professor Emerald asks, but no one responds, they're all busy, but silently, packing up their stuff, ready to get going. "If none, then class is dismissed."

"Did you see how Ryan and Colin were staring at each other throughout class?" Jessica, my best friend, whispers to me.

"Like that's new. I'd be more surprised and interested if they suddenly stopped talking to each other," I reply.

"Well, duh. Being an out gay couple is always bound to attract attention, especially in our almost completely conservative school," she says.

"I swear, it's just Principal Diamond who is conservative and obviously homophobic."

"No wonder he's still single." We both burst out laughing until Jessica stops and gestures towards the door. "He's waiting for you."

"Shut up. He's waiting for a lot of people," I reply shyly.

"This choir biz is really taking up much of your time. We don't get to hang out much anymore," she says, a bit worried.

"It is, but, everyone's depending on me, or at least one person is."

"Oh, boohoo. You only joined choir because of Dylan, and you know how THAT turned out."

"Stop reminding me. I've moved on from that. Plus, my introversion always fails me."

"Whatever you say, Alec-ay."

"It's just Alec."


That one part, the sopranos were kinda flat, the tenors were too loud, the altos were lost, and the basses sound terrible. It's my duty to point out these lapses because I'm the assistant conductor, but I don't want to sound so insensitive. *muffled* What was that? Germs?

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