Chapter 9: Three's a Crowd

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"What do you mean you're out with a friend? I'm your best friend!"

"It's a long story. I can't help you right now."

"Then who's going to?"

"Figure something out!"



How rude! I mean, Jessica's always rude, but, this isn't her type of rude.

How in the world am I going to deal with... with... him?

I stare at my phone for a bit trying come up with a plan, and decided to us his own words against him.

I step out of the bathroom and walk up to these two boys awkwardly standing in a corner.

"Hey, I gotta be honest. I don't want you here," I begin to say.

"Well, you can't do anything about it. I'm already here."

"True. But didn't you mention that you'll just "tail around" while I- uh... while we..."

"While you're on your date?"

"Date? I didn't say this was a date," Blake interrupts.

It wasn't a date? Oh yeah. Idiot.

"B-but of course! You didn't let me finish speaking. My point is that you're not a part of any of this. Got that?"

"Sure. It's not like I wanna be seen anywhere near the both of you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"


"You're more than welcome to leave."

"No, thanks. But I'm staying."

"Suit yourself."

I turn to Blake only to find a ripe tomato.

Wait, what is happening? Why is he all red?

"Uh, Blake?"

"Date!" he gets startled.


"Uh, yeah. The date... today is... the perfect day to ride a roller coaster!"

Nice save, Blake.

Yes, we were at an amusement park. They had a roller coaster, a viking ship, a Ferris wheel, and so much more.

I don't really know what to expect on a "first date," but Blake made such a good impression on me. Then again, this isn't a date, but who cares?

"But isn't the only roller coaster in this park for kids?" he starts to complain.

"So what if it is?" I snap back. "Besides, you're not the one riding it."

He just rolls his eyes while Blake let out a soft giggle.

I'm actually kinda glad that this ride is just for kids. If it were the adult kind, I don't think I would survive a single loop. Pretty much, every ride in the amusement park terrifies me. But, what's the worse that could happen?

Blake went to buy us tickets while he and I waited by a bench near the roller coaster.

Awkward. And annoying.

The ticket booth was quite near and I could see the long waiting line.

I hope Blake's doing alright there. But why? Why why?

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