Chapter 13: Closure

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Again, don't watch the video until the point where the story says to do so. Thank you and enjoy reading!.


Ryan and Jessica were cleaning up while Dylan and I went upstairs to fix the guest room. The three of them said that they'd be fine sleeping wherever with whomever.

I told them that two of them could stay in the guest room with the bunk bed and the third could stay with me in my room. My bed could fit more than one person, but I said that it was my safe space and they could just sleep on the floor.

But thank goodness, they were not so picky since they were the ones who insisted on staying.

Now, to decide who gets to sleep where. They chose to draw lots so that it would be fair. Honestly, I wouldn't mind sleeping in the same room as any of them. No, wait, except Jessica, that is. Trust me, you do not want to wake up in the middle of the night because of a loud snore.

Luckily, that wasn't the case, for me at least. Jessica and Ryan got the guest room which leaves Dylan getting mine.

After all the cleanup everyone was so tired that they all went straight to bed. All except me. I realized that Dylan and I had a bad moment earlier. And now, we're in the same room together, for the whole week.

Just go to sleep before something bad happens.

Dylan turned the lights off and lay on the floor.

"Alec? You still awake?"

No harm in answering, I guess.

"Yeah, still up."

"Hey, I'm sorry I keep showing up at the worst moments."

"Not your fault."

"But I still manage to find trouble whenever you're around."

I don't respond to him.

"I was serious when I said I missed you. You just disappeared on me all of a sudden. I didn't know what went wrong."

"No one wants to be around someone they like who doesn't feel the same way."

"But I can't reciprocate those feelings. I'm not gay."

"It's not about being gay or not. You're just afraid of what other people might think, especially in our country. I don't expect you to understand. And who cares? It's already over."

Dylan gets up and lays down next to me. "Alec, look at me."

I turn around and face him.

"I thought I knew who you were as your best friend. But there's a big part of you I just found out about. A part that is entirely new to me. Yes, it will take a while before I get to understand, but I won't stop trying. So will you let me?"

I stare at his eyes while I think about what to say next. "I guess I've already moved on from last time. I think friendship is still a possibility."

He smiles and says, "Thank you, Alec.

And with that last thought, we fell asleep.


Yet another day of break. I brought out my old guitar from the storage room, hoping to ease my boredom. Ryan and Dylan were in the kitchen cooking up brunch while Jessica and I were waiting in the living room.

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