Chapter 11: A Walk Down Memory Lane

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It has to be today. This I my last chance to redeem myself.

It's been months since Jessica last talked to me. I thought that it would just pass. She really knows how to hold her grudges.

But, today might just be it. I'm ready to lower my pride and wave my white flag. It's the last day before semestral break and I wanted settle things between us.

I've already written a script of what I'll say to her. I made sure that there wouldn't be any loose ends, every mistake must be addressed.

And of course, an apology wouldn't be complete without a gift, her favorite, cheese pizza. Knowing her, she could buy anything she wanted, because she's rich. But, when a gift comes from the heart, that's worth more than money could ever buy. That's so cheesy, pun intended.

I can't wait to hang out with Jessica again. It's been too long. Also, I don't have any other close friend except her, so I would be really nice to have her back.

I waited outside the classroom after classes ended. And now, here she comes.

There she is! I better be quick.

"Hey, Jessica!"

She stops, yet does not respond.

"Um, I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry I was a jerk to you. It was selfish and insensitive of me to think that only I had problems. I'm sorry I ruined your date."


"And... I bought you pizza..?"

She doesn't say anything and starts to walk away.


No response.

I sat down and started to reflect on my life decisions.

"Girl problems?"

I hear voice behind me.

"Go away, Dylan."

"Uh, I don't think so. Not until I get a slice of that pizza."

"Knock yourself out."

Dylan opens the box and starts to dig in. Luckily, there was no one around, letting him have the pizza all to himself.

"So what's the pizza for?"

"Apology pizza."

"Aww, for me? You didn't have to."

"I don't have to apologize to you. If anything, you should be the one apologizing."

"Alright. I'm sorry for going haywire on you. I don't know what came over me."

"Forget it. I just got a small bruise, nothing serious."

"Then, I'm also sorry for hurting your heart."

"Stop. It wasn't your fault."

"But I was involved. Part of the blame is on me."

I just kept quiet. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn't notice a tear running down my face.

"Why are you crying?"

"What? I'm not crying!"

Dylan reaches out his hand, but I stopped him before it could reach my face.

"I just... I just miss my mom."

The silence in the room is deafening.

"Never mind. I was just trying to apologize to Jessica, but it didn't go as planned."

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