Chapter 3: Care, Anyone?

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Wh- what does he want from me?

Dylan grabs my wrist. "Please come back with me. I need you," he pleads with a bit of desperation.

"I-I d-don't want to!"

What the hell is he saying?

"Come back. I'm going crazy without you!" He starts tightening his grip.

"Go away, Dylan. You know what happened."

"I know. I'm going to change. I'll do better. I promise!"

"You had your chance. Now, let go of me!"

His grip starts to hurt me, his pleading eyes fills with rage, "Come with me, or else!"

"Or else what?" someone else says.

Oh no. It's him.

The sound of his voice terrified me, but I don't know why.

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Someone you don't want to mess around with."

My wrist is still in Dylan's hand, but with them talking, he loosens his grip a bit.

I might be able to escape while he's distracted.

"I'm the one you shouldn't be messing around with. You'll be sorry!"

"Oh yeah? Sorry for what? Sorry for wasting your time?"

"That's it! You're dead!"

Dylan finally lets go of me.

Free at last! Now's my chance to esca- HOLD UP! There's a fight about to begin!

Too late. They've already started punching each other.

"Hey! Stop!" No one listens.

Why does no one ever listen to me?

I run around the area trying to spot teachers, but none of them seem to be nearby.

I pull out my phone and dial Prof. Emerald's number.

Come on... please pick up.

"AAH!" I hear a loud thud. I ran back to the scene and find him lying on the ground, unconscious.

"What the hell happened?"

"I-I," Dylan tries to explain then runs away.

"Hello? Alec?"

Prof. Emerald sure took his time answering the phone.


"What exactly happened? Why was he unconscious on the ground with blood all over him? I know you're not capable of doing such things, but, did you do it?" Prof. Emerald asks worriedly.

It might as well be my fault. He was just dragged into this.

This is probably the first time I've been involved with something so serious. I've been laying low my entire life and things like these still happen.

I decided to tell him the truth, "No, Prof. Emerald. I have no idea. I just saw him and called you right away, which by the way, you took too long to answer."

Okay, maybe not the whole truth, but I didn't see the whole thing. I was running around looking for someone else to help.

"I'm a teacher. I'm busy most of the time."

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