Chapter 12: Old Wounds, New Wounds

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Ah, yes. Another normal day. Nothing special has happened. Just another ordinary day at home. Except it was my birthday. I haven't received any greetings from anyone, not that I expected any since I was on bad terms with everyone. But, it didn't matter. Having a week of vacation means having a week of not having to interact with anyone. As an introvert, this is the life.

I went downstairs to look for food and found a note on the fridge.

"Went out. Be back in a bit."

I guess I have the whole house to myself now.

I checked inside and saw the leftover Carbonara from last night.

Better than nothing.

After having breakfast, I decided to play the piano for a while. The outside was dusty, but I didn't bother cleaning it up. Although it hasn't been tuned for a while now, it was still in good condition. No keys were out of tune which was satisfying to hear.

*ding dong*

And here comes trouble.

Standing outside was Dylan with a backpack that looked stuffed.

"Heya!" he greets.

"What brings you here?"

"I figured that you wanted to be alone on your birthday."

"Congrats. You ruined it."

"After our talk last time, I just thought that you needed some company."

I have no idea of what he's saying.

"Fine. Come in."

I opened the gate and let him in.

"Oh, yeah. And I'll be staying here for a while."



"Why in the hell did she not write her name?" I ask, frustrated.

"Why don't you ask the writers about that."

"In such little time they had to talk, she decided to write 'I like/love you' instead of who she was?"

"Well, technically, they were getting to know each other's lives throughout the whole movie. Quite an interesting plot if you ask me."

Dylan and I were arguing about this anime movie we were watching. He seems to be an expert on these types of films.

"Ugh. Annoying. I hate these 'destiny' and 'fate' type of stories. I don't believe it," I begin another argument.

"Why not?"

"It's not real. These so-called "soul mates" are nothing but a lover's fantasy."

"Well, even if it's just a fantasy, it's a fantasy I'd like to be in," Dylan starts romanticizing.

"You? Yeah right."

"Oh, come on. Admit it. It felt that way when we were together," he teased.

"Wow! Is this your way of winning me back? Sorry, but that door's long closed."

We laugh a lot like it was the funniest joke ever, yet it sounded so wrong at the same time. Something felt off.

As the excitement died down, Dylan spoke up, "I've missed this. I've missed us."

Woah, red flag.

"Hey, slow down there, tiger. It's not gonna happen."

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