Chapter 10: Pretty Little Lies

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"A few weeks into the school year, Colin asked me out. There was nothing romantic about it when he asked. It was like some sort of random question that came into conversation.

"I was so confused at first because I barely knew the guy. But I felt something inside me, telling me to accept it. And so I did.

"After asking me out, he changed, not just by a bit, but by a lot. He started talking to me more, texting and calling every now and then. It felt weird, but I kinda liked the attention anyway. Who would have thought that this sci-geek would be dating someone so easily?

"Being the person that I am, I started to care for Colin. I even cooked lasagna for him once. He said he liked it and I believed him.

"In return, he cared for me as well. He made sure that I had my homework done the night before. But I'm pretty sure, he just wanted to know the answers to it.

"I spite of all that, I've always felt that something was wrong. I thought that everything was happening too fast. I know so little about Colin and he knows so little about me.

"Aside from that, I don't even know what he likes about me. Why me? Why did he choose me?

"Yesterday, he brought me to his house. Then he started acting weird. He started saying stuff, that he wanted to try doing something. I was so freaked out that I ran out the house.

"Was all this just a sham? Was it all his scheme, pampering me to get what he wants?

"I came here to the mall to get my mind off things. I thought that would help, but it made things worse. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I broke down and ended up here. I don't know what to do now."

"Woah, Ryan. This is a lot to process."

"Stupid, right?"

"No, it's not. It's quite serious, actually."

He doesn't respond.

"I really don't know what to say. I've never been in that kind of situation."

"Of course. I didn't expect you to understand."

"Hey! I may not know how to help you, but all I know is that if you encounter a problem, you have to face it."

"Even if I do face it, I still won't have a solution for it."

"That's just it. You can't find a solution without understanding the problem."

Ryan thinks for a bit.

"What do you suggest I do?"

"Well, we don't know why he was acting that way. I think you two should talk it out, find out what his intentions were. See how things out, and from there, you'll have to decide what to do about it."

"How overwhelming."

"What's more overwhelming is the fact that his actions got to you, confusing you. And now you're here crying your heart out."

Ryan became silent.

I think that was a bit too much.

"Hey, you'll get through this. I'm always here if you need help."

"Thanks, Alec."

I got up and faced him. "It's nothing. I should probably be heading back now. I've been gone a while. And you should get some rest at home. There's nothing relaxing about a busy mall on a Sunday afternoon."

"Yeah. See ya, then!"

"See ya!"

I walked away, heading to somewhere Ryan wouldn't see me.

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