Chapter 14: Strawberries and Guitars

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And just like that, vacation was over. Jessica gave us all a ride to our respective residences. Must feel good to be rich and have a van. We all said our goodbyes to each other as we were dropped off one by one and I was last. Jessica told the driver to park for a while. She said that she had something to tell me.

"Have you thought about what you want to say to him?" she asks.

"I don't know. I have so many mixed feelings about him. What about you? Were you gonna tell me about Sam?"

"Sam? Why Sam?"

"I looked through your call logs and saw her name."

"I better change my password right now. You've crossed the line."

"Okay, but I know that she's not just some gold digger that you decided to stop talking to. What did she say?"

"Sh-she... she doesn't want to date me."


"And she doesn't feel the same way."


"And she called me to clarify what she said."

"So, has everything been clarified?"

"She wants to do it in person. I told her that I'll think about it."

"Go for it then. You still have a chance."

"I guess I'll try."

"See? Now you can't blame me for talking about myself all the time."

"Water under the bridge."

Jessica's smile gives an obvious sigh of relief. This must have been bothering her for a while now, I'm glad she got to talk it out. What are best friends for, right?

"Now that's settled, I'm taking off," I tell her.

Okay. Then. Bye, Alec."

"Bye." I wave her goodbye as the van drives off to the distance.

Time to deal with the matter at hand.

I was just on my way to my room when I spotted a person waiting by the door.

"Funny seeing you here," I tell him.

"Don't worry, I was just leaving."

"What kind of creep lurks outside someone's door?"

"The kind that wants to talk to you."

Talk? Did he just say talk?

"I also brought food."

Feels like a bribe, but I'll just play along.

"Those aren't poisoned, are they?"

"Hopefully not."

He led me outside the dorm building to a nearby park with tables and benches. It just so happens that there was not a single person in sight.

A lovely afternoon like this and no one's out here to enjoy it?

Oh, but I had a feeling someone was going to enjoy it.


Of course. Again with the silence.

What am I even doing here with him? Oh right. He wanted to "talk".

Not gonna lie, buying original-flavored Oreos may have a chance to win me over. I'm not saying that he already has. Just a chance, one that he might lose if he says something wrong. He made the right decision of buying me my own pack while he eats from his own which were strawberry-flavored. I can't even begin to understand how people would like eating a flavor other than the original.

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